Chapter 36

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Day two

Scott's eyes opened slowly, his body feeling heavy and a bit sore. He could feel Liam's body practically on top of his. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes, noticing that everyone was still in the living room. Lydia was missing though.

'Probably making breakfast' Scott thought. He could smell the scent of coffee coming from the kitchen and could hear the slight clanking of silverware as if Lydia was trying her best to avoid making noise. He could also hear sizzling noises, confirming that she was making breakfast already.

He tried to move, hearing a Liam whimper in his sleep. The sound made him smile. He thought about staying just a bit longer, but he thought it'd be better if he got up and showered. They were planning to go to the mall today after all. As carefully as he could, he slithered out of Liam's hold and slipped out from underneath him. Liam had been mumbling small threats in his sleep the entire time he was trying to get out of his death grip.

As soon as he was out, he stretched his limbs while opening his mouth in a silent yawn. He glanced around the general area he had been asleep in, not finding his shirt. He scratched his back, shrugging to himself and looking towards the direction the kitchen. There was a small window in the living room that connected the living room and the kitchen, allowing him to see Lydia at stove, cooking eggs and bacon from what he could smell

'Is that.......french toast?' Scott thought. He was confused as to why Lydia was shaking her head slightly...almost as if she was....dancing. He made his way into the kitchen, Lydia still unaware of his presence. He walked up quietly, noticing the earbuds in her ears. The sight made him smile, remembering his younger days waking up to his mom making both of them breakfast, when times where simpler

He lightly tapped Lydia's shoulder, surprised when she didn't flinch. Instead, she continued moving her body, only turning her head to wink at him and continued to make breakfast. She was in fact making french toast, remembering how Scott loved them. She had sausages and bacon cooking in the same pan and eggs in the other. He enjoyed seeing her at ease, practically glowing.

She removed one ear bud," Goodmorning."

"Goodmorning." Scott responded, looking at her messy bun flop around as she moved," When did you get up?"

" hour ago, I think." Lydia looked at her phone.

Her phone read 10:30 am

"You wake up so early." Scott commented, opening the fridge. He spotted some of the chocolate bars they had bought yesterday. He grabbed two, hearing Lydia scoff behind him.

"You better leave those in there and brush your teeth first." She said, not moving her eyes off him as she moved the eggs in the pan.

"What mall are we going to?"

"Stop changing the subject, dirty mouth. We are going to the only mall in Beacon Hills, they have an arcade too I think and bumper cars."

"Sounds like fun."

"Mhm. Go brush your teeth, Scott."

"Yeah, yeah." He walked off towards the restroom.


Scott came back around 30 minutes later, showered and with his teeth brushed obviously. He had his outfit for the day on as well, so he wouldn't have to worry about finding time to get dressed when they left.

"Liam!" Lydia yelled. Stiles smacked his teeth, telling her not to yell into people's ears.

"Oh be quiet, I'm not that loud." She smiled," Scott, can you go get him?"

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