Chapter 6

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Loud Music playing. A big bonfire blazing, lighting up the darkness of the night. Liam winced.

"Remind me why you asked me to come!" Liam shouted to Malia.

"To have fun! Lets dance dumbass." Malia smiled as she pulled Liam towards dancing people. Liam groaned while looking around for Scott.

"Dude I really don't want to do this." Scott muttered.

"I don't care Scott. You need something to get your mind off yesterday's shit with Liam."

"That shit is in the past Stiles. We made up."

"So? I meam c'mon lets have some bro time? Yeah?" Stiles sounded hopeful.

Scott glared at him before choosing to cave," Fine."

Stile's fist pumped as they headed outside of the school's building. Scott smelled alcohol and burning wood. He scrunched his nose.

"Come dude stop overreacting." Stiles said.

"Try having my nose Stiles." Scott dared.

"Whatever. Look I'll go get us some drinks." Stiles walked off.

The sad thing was Scott can never ever get drunk. But it does come back to bite you in the ass if you drink too much. He chuckled at the thought.

His nostrils flared and he could smell honey.....Liam. Liam was at the bonfire. Scott turned around and saw Liam all the way across from him on the otherside of the burning wood.

Dancing with Malia. He growled slightly. Was he jealous. No he and Liam aren't even dating, he shouldn't be jealous. Should he?
I mean come on It's obvious he should be jea-

Scott was cut from his thoughts when Stiles came back with 2 cups.

"Really Stiles?"

"What dude just drink." Stiles smirked.

"No thanks."

Scott turned and was about to walk in Liam's direction when Stiles stopped him.

"C'mon Scott just friends tonight. Me and you? Remember?"

"Fine. Okay? Just us friends?" Scott shrugged it off and drank from the cup Stiles had.

"See there we go buddy. Now lets dance until we fall on our asses."

With that they headed over to dance. Stiles was already beginning to get silly from the alcohol. Scott on the otherhand felt fine. Alcohol doesn't effect werewolves. He just did little knee bends to make it look like he was dancing.

Stiles on the other hand, was basically moving around like a bouncing monkey. He was doing the sprinkler and all hese weird moves. Scott burts out laughing and decided to join him.

They both danced the night away, for about an hour. Then Stiles was way to boozed to even stand up. Scott helped him down to one of the chairs.

"I feel f-fine SSSSScott." Stiles slurped the 'S' in Scott's name, while chuckling

"Stiles you reek of alcohol."

"I know, smells delicious huh?" Stiles chuckled.

"Just wa-" Scott was cut off

"Where is my baby!!"

"Who?" Scott smirked.

"Ian, my big booty bf. Where is he?" Stiles knitted his eyebrows.

"He's not here." Scott tried hard not to laugh.

"Get him please I need him all over me ri-"

"Just wait here Stiles I'll be right back." Scott smiled.

Scott left him and walked over two one of the coolers, because he does so not want to know what Stiles was about to say. He pushed some ice away and found a cold bottle of water. He chucked some of the ice stuck to the bottle behind him.

"Ow! Seriously?" Someone said from behind.

Scott turned around and saw Liam on the floor, holding his forehead. Scott immediately kneeled infront of him and put his hand on Liam's forehead, making Liam wince.

"Sorry." Scott gave a shy smile.

Liam returned a smile," It's okay Scott i'll heal."

"I swear it was an accident. I was just getting Stiles some water because he's-"

"Scott. It's okay." Liam chuckled.

Scott took a sigh of relief. He removed his hands off Liam's, Liam doing the same in a matter of seconds. There was a tiny bruise forming, but it was quickly fading away.

"So who'd you come here with?" Scott asked.

"Malia." Liam groaned," You came with Stiles right?"


Scott can hear the music getting louder. He really qanted to ask Liam to dance, but his dancing skills aren't the best.

"Do you wanna dance."

"I kinda can't dance Scott." Liam said slightly embarrassed.

"So neither can I, c'mon it'll be fun."

Scott helped Liam up off the floor. He was caught off guard by a pair of lips.

"It better be." Liam said as they parted.

They headed over to the group, they didn't even know how to begin, luckily Malia had taught Liam atleast two or three moves.

He looked into Scott's eyes and swayed his hips alittle. Scott looked between them and looked up with a wide smile and wide eyes. He had only dirty danced with Allison. Even though he knew how to do it, this was sort've new to him.

He pulled Liam closer to him by the waist, making Liam move his hips slower. Scott danced with him, dirty danced.

*****So that was a CHAPTER!! Liam and Scott are getting closer.

I'm trying to make Malia a little more fun than she usually should she doesn't end up like Peter or Derek

And I really like that Stiles was drunk.

Chapter 7 next!!*****

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