Chapter 7

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Hi! I'm really excited and determined to finish this story :). Don't worry, it's not ending any time soon, I wanna take my time and make it as entertaining as possible.

Liam's POV:

The birds sand outside of my window, it was morning. Exactly, 9:30am actually. At least the weekend started after the bonfire. I didn't have to worry about school for the next two days.

I turned my body and threw the covers off of my body. I smiled, remembering last nights events. Scott danced with me. Don't get me wrong, it felt amazing but I just couldn't help feel that something was about to go down. I hated feeling like this, afraid all the time.

"Liam get down here sweetly, I can make you breakfast if you like!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I smiled and quickly got out of bed to freshen up a bit. I love the weekends because my mom always made time to fix me up some breakfast while we talked. I hate when she leaves for business trips though, this house is so big, yet always so empty.

I spit out the toothpaste and cleaned my mouth. "Coming!" I yelled as a I left my bedroom and raced down the stairs.
Scott's POV:

"I don't know Stiles, I just don't want him to worry." I said.

"Dude we have to talk about it with them and at some point and you know how Liam's going to get if he hears this from someone else." Stiles argued, giving Scott a serious look

Scott thought about it for a moment, I can't tell Liam, he won't let me go through with it. He might try to talk me out of it and I'm already nervous as it is.

I sighed, "It's just... we had such a nice night yesterday and I don't want to upset him."

"Scott, are you guys even together? Like really together?"

"No" I admitted

Stiles smiled, "Yeah, so it shouldn't be that hard, talk to him like an adult instead of like a child. I know he's fifteen, but now that you bit him we have to let him in on these kinds of things."

I sighed again, "Okay, I'll make sure to call him okay?"

"Alright, just the sooner the better."

Liam's POV:

"Mason! Hey wanna come over today? I've really got nothing to do." I smiled into the phone

"Hey Li, you sure you're not busy? Like busy with anything at all?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Liam, we have a biology test on Monday, you should study." Mason said

"It's Saturday dude come on. Can't I just copy off of you anyways." I smirked

"No. Come on we promised each other we wouldn't slack off when it came to our grades." Mason rolled his eyes.

"Alright mom, I'll study tomorrow. Come over to game. It won't be for that long anyway."

"I will, if you tell me what's going on with you and Scott."

"W-what do you m-mean?" I cursed myself for stuttering.

"I saw you guys dancing at the bonfire."

"Yeah. We're friends Mase. Can't friends dance together?" I chuckled

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