Chapter 35

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1 week later

Day one

"Be careful!" Lydia scolded, smacking Stiles on the back of the head when he dropped the sodas onto the ground

"The cooler is heavy," He spat at her," Why didn't you make Scott carry this?"

"Scott is already carrying the ingredients for the dinner I'm going to make." Lydia said simply, patting Stiles' back as she held the door open for him. She urged him inside to avoid allowing bugs into the house. She didn't need anymore mosquito bites.

They walked into together to Scott, Liam and Mason setting the stuff up in the kitchen. They were just going to eat snacks and swim in the lake in the mean time, but they decided to set up the table now to avoid having to worry about it later.

"Where is that sunscreen?!" Malia shouted, searching her bag. It was burning hot outside and she didn't need anymore tan-lines than she already had. Kira patted her back, pointing at the sunscreen on top of the drawer in front of her with a smile.

Malia mumbled an apology and grabbed it, heading outside.

"Is that all we need?" Liam asked, taking out the last of the food from the grocery bags.

"Pretty sure. Unless we forgot a bag, I think we're done." Mason piled the paper bags on top of each other. He wanted to rip them apart, the sound satisfying to his ears, but he decided to store them incase Lydia would reuse them later.

"Good. I want to go outside already, this shopping stuff took forever." Liam complained, wiping drops off sweat off his forehead.

"I had told you guys to go earlier---you could use the wheels on the cooler now, Stiles." Lydia said. She had only wanted him to carry it inside so the wheels wouldn't track any mud from outside.

He huffed, practically straining his back to place the cooler onto the ground slowly. Scott came up to him," I got it."

Stiles stood up dramatically and let out a loud sigh," Thank you, Scotty." He spoke in a high pitched voice, petting Scott's arm quickly.

Scott smiled, rolling the cooler towards the direction Malia had gone. The corridor he went down was fancy, paintings of nature and portaits of Lydia's family members littered the walls. The nice hardwood floor smooth and shiny as the sun peeked through one of the windows. He opened the door and stepped outside onto the the grass.

He could see Malia and Kira chattering by the water. They had set up a table outside and some chairs. There were also some towels laid out on the chairs if they were needed. Scott let go of the cooler once he was by the table. Snacks were layered across the table like a blanket.

He turned as he heard someone walking behind him. Stiles came up, plopping an already set up barbecue down.

"We're eating burgers?" Scott asked

"I'm going to make that and throw some hotdogs on here too." Stiles turned back, looking for a bag of coal he had seen earlier.

"Isn't Lydia going to get mad?" Scott asked. She would be angry with them all if they didn't eat when she finally finished cooking

A sly and sneaky smirk appeared on Stiles' face," She doesn't need to know. Besides, it's not even 1 o'clock yet. We should be fine. We are staying here for two days anyway, her dumb cooking can wait."

Scott's eyes widened when he said that, noticing the ball of fury standing behind his scrawny friend

"My dumb cooking?! My dumb cooking?!" Lydia boomed, slapping Stiles on the back of the head," Everyone loves my cooking while you're just here offering to make stupid burgers. You know what? Eat burgers then and that's all you get!"

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