Chapter 11

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2 weeks later 😋

Third person POV:

The night sky was dark and gloomy. The wind sent a chill up your spine and brought out your goosebumps. The wind whistled a warning to stay inside as temperatures would continue to drop. It was very odd since it was summer. (I hate how it's super hot during the day, but then really cold at night 🥺) The crickets sang their quiet song as the peaceful silence of the night was interrupted.

The blonde girl ran as fast as her feet can carry her. The footsteps behind her seemed to get closer and closer. She turned into the forest, too afraid to think straight.


An arrow grazed her cheek, making her wince in pain as she continued to run. She tripped over a rock and landed straight on her face. She groaned loudly and flipped onto her back as her body filled with exhaustion. Blood spilled out of her nose

"Finally, You bitches run forever." A feminine voice said.

The girl on the ground screamed as three arrows lodged themselves into her left leg.

"There, no more running. What's your name, honey pie?" The girl with the crossbow asked," Wait, let me guess..... Pamela? Pamela Cortez?.. Hmm, let's see." The girl pulled out a piece of paper from her back pocket and unfolded it," Wow, Pamela Cortez... worth 250,000 dollars."

"Please," Pamela pleaded," please I didn't ask for this. Please, please don't hurt me." Tears slipped down Pamela's face as she pleaded for mercy.

"Hey, Pamela. I'm Lina. You're very pretty y'know. I almost feel bad for doing this.. such a pretty face. A shame to have to kill you, really." Lina crouched down to Pamela, so they were eye level.

"Please if you need money, I can help you. Please, you don't want to kill me." Pamela said

"You're right maybe I don't." Lina smiled, standing up

Pamela smiled in relief," Thank yo-" she was cut off as Lina shot arrows into her eyes and multiple into her head, making sure she was dead.

"Pulling out these arrows is gonna be a pain in the ass." Lina mumbled. She pulled out her phone and sent it to the contact named, 'The Benefactor'

She crouched down, examining her work. She sighed, frowning a bit

"Im sorry, I truly am. But... a girls gotta eat." She said as she began to pull out the arrows.
Meanwhile at the Beacon Hills animal clinic

"Talking to the dog may help it calm down as well." Deaton advised

Scott smiled and nodded," Hey buddy, it's alright. I'm gonna take care of you. Mmmm, your fur is so soft. Trust me, once you take this medicine you'll feel all better, I promise."

The dog laid still as Scott helped it calm down. He made kissing noise (the one y'all make to call your dogs🙃) to distract the dog as he pressed the needle into the dog to give the it it's medicine.

The dog flinched, but relaxed as Scott continued to talk. It sighed deeply as Scott pulled out the needle," There you go, good boy." Scott patted the dog sweetly.

"You're probably gonna be better than me at this someday." Deaton smiled.

"I don't think so, you taught me everything I know doc." Scott smiled proudly.

Deaton patted his back," Thank you! thank you! thank you doctor McCall." The little girl said as she reached her arms out, so Scott would hand her, her dog.

"You're welcome, Zoey, but I'm not a vet yet."

"But you did the magic to make Sadie feel better. You did the magic like Deaton does." Zoey smiles as she held Sadie in her little arms

Scott smiled." Yeah.. yeah you're right, I did. Thanks Zoey and I hope Sadie feels as strong as ever."

"Alright Zoey, let's go home now it's getting pretty late. Thank you Dr. Deaton. Thank you to you as well Scott. I'll let you know if anything else happens with Sadie." Zoey's mother said

Both Deaton and Scott nodded their heads to the woman as she made her way to the exit.

" Alright, I take it you'll be heading home now?" Deaton asked

"Yeah I'll uh, see you tomorrow." Scott gave Deaton a tight smile as he headed outside to his motor bike.

He put on his helmet as he kicked it into gear. He was about to drive off as he heard a voice in the near distance.

*you can't save them all* the voice whispered
*you can't save them all* it repeated.

"Hello?" Scott said into the darkness, his eyes glowed red as he scanned for anything.

The voice faded away. He sighed, weirder things have happened. He decided to put his helmet on and drive off home.

In the dark, a figure emerged

"You can't save them all, I will make sure that you all feel what she felt that day." ??? Said

The phone in their pocket dinged. The dark figure smiled

The phone read, Lina Valencia, sent you an image

The Benefactor smiled. "Oh Scott McCall, you're head will go great with my collection."

Hiii! Kind of a short chapter today. I just felt like shortening this one because I feel as if I've been doing a bit over board with the writing.

I might include Kate Argent some more just because she is still relevant, so I'll see how to include her in these next few chapters.

Anywayssssss, I hate you goodbye😋😋

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