Chapter 17

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Before Liam was taken

Third person POV

"I'm sorry, so when can I retake this?"

"Retakes start today." The teacher spoke

"Today? But.. I haven't even practiced again."Liam scratched the back of his awkwardly. If he retook the biology test today, he was going to get as far as writing his name.

"Oh, that's alright. You have until Friday though. You have a B in this class. It's a 86%, so make sure to do it and get a better grade, so I can update it. I wouldn't like to have your first C on your report card, okay."

Liam smiled, nodding quickly," Yes, thank you!"

He put the other strap of his backpack on and immediately made his way out of the classroom.

He spotted Mason, smiling to himself before silently making his way to him. Mason had his headphones in, so he was pretty distracted when Liam jumped from behind and scared him.

"Dude! What the hell! You scared the crap out of me! What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Um, I'm getting there... who were you texting?"

Masons eyes widened," No one, mind your business." He said, turning away from Liam. He smiled playfully as he shut his locker and walked away.

Liam scoffed," As if I don't know that it isn't Brett."

"Hey Liam." Adryan came up behind him.

Liam turned around, a bit surprised by the boy who approached him," Hey, Adryan. How are you?"

"Good,I'm good. Do you have lacrosse practice today?"

"No. I need to study for a re-take. How about you? You do sports right?"

"Volleyball." Adryan smiled.

"Aren't you the captain?" Liam asked

"Ugh, I wish. The captain is so respected on our team. They rarely make anyone who isn't a senior the captain though."

Liam smiled kindly at him. He was surprised they had managed to spark a friendship. He didn't think Adryan would have talked to him after the whole SAT thing, but he's glad they managed to keep tabs on each other. Their friendship was growing pretty quickly because of Mason

Adryan nodded," Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Is that friend of yours.... gay?"

"Um... is said friend a guy or a girl?"


Liam thought for a minute. Adryan knew Mason was gay. That's pretty much how those two had bonded in the first place. He also knew Scott was with him, so that only left one other person

"Stiles? The pale and awkward one?"


"It's not my place to tell, but he's been open with everyone about it. He's actually dating one of my friends."

Adryan interrupted," Oh never mind then. I'll see you later. Good luck on your retake by the way."

"O—kay?" Liam said to himself, hearing the bell ring as he rushed to his next class


Liam was walking home in silence, his earbuds playing loud music in his ear. The day was pretty boring. Scott had barely talked to him, he couldn't seem to find Ian anywhere, and Mason seemed to be super secretive all of sudden

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