Chapter 46

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They walked down the steps, the floorboards creaking with each step they took. Adryan used the flashlight on his keychain to see. Lina used hers as well. She handed Liam a flashlight that she had brought with them.

"It smells like ass in here." Adryan mumbled, looking around.

"Look." Lina pointed to the wall," It's the same symbol you took a picture of."

The protection symbol was carved into the wall, white paint was used to make it stand out against the dark wood.

"What's this?" Liam asked. There was a small wooden table, one of the legs consisting of several books stacked on one another. There were multiple glowing crystals on the table. They were glowing bright aqua color.

"They're pretty." Adryan picked one up. It was glowing brightly. It appeared to have some liquid inside,"There's three here. We should all take one."

"Hey, look at this." Lina had a container with a needle inside. She showed the two boys that the needle had some kind of red liquid inside.

"That looks like blood. We should take it," Adryan said. He figured the glass needle would be safe inside of the container. The container felt as if it was made with some kind of steel.

Liam looked at them," Sure, why not." He said dismissively, still worried about Theo

"Liam, if that thing wanted to kill him it wouldn't have ran around with him as if he was some chew toy. I'm pretty sure he's fine." Lina offered, trying to ease his mind.

"Seriously? Is this a joke to you? He could be dead and it could be our fault."

"No it can't. Once again, he was following us." Adryan rolled his eyes.

They all froze as there was a loud bang from a near by closet. A loud feminine groan sounded from it. Another sharp bang came, more urgent this time.

"Hello?! Is someone there?! Please let me out!" A voice said. They banged on the door again, pleading to be let out," Please let me out! Before she comes back!"

They all looked at each other, flinching as another bang sounded.

"Do we let her out?" Lina asked

"What if she tries to kill us?" Liam asked. Their questions didn't matter as Adryan walked over to the closet, breaking the chain that held the double doors together. A girl fell out, gasping for air loudly.

Lina walked up to her, holding a gun to her face," Who are you?"

"Please, don't hurt me." The girl took a breath," My name it''s Sirena."

"What happened to you? You look like you've been starved and beaten up." Adryan examined her arms. They were bloodied up as well as her legs. Her cheeks were hollow and he swore he could practically see her spine.

"A woman brought me here. I think... I think she wiped my memory. I wasn't able to remember what she looked liked. But, I was able to see her face through a peep hole I made through the door." Sirena said

"What does she look like?" Liam asked

Sirena pointed to a photo on the wall. It seemed old, ancient almost," Like that."

"Same woman." Liam said after getting a good look.

"Same woman? That picture looks like it's been to hell and back. Like it was scrapped up from some reckage or something." Adryan commented.

"She's older than you think." Sirena commented.

"How old?" Lina asked, keeping her gun on Sirena.

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