Chapter 29

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Lina and Adryan stood outside and out of sight. They each stood on one side of the door, listening in and Scott's conversation with his pack.

"Alright, we might need to split up to cover more ground," Scott suggested

"I'll go with Kira then," Malia said. Kira nodded her head beside her

"The three of us should go to the boiler room. The sprinklers may not be going off because something might be wrong with the pipelines." Lydia said to Scott. She didn't need both of them, but she was pretty sure one would object leaving the other alone.

"I can go on my own." Liam said," Or maybe I can just stay with Malia and Kira?"

"No, you're coming with us." Scott said back, his face hard. His tone left no room for Liam to make an argument, so he just nodded his head.

"Alright, i'm pretty sure he isn't upstairs, seeing as the second floor is almost completely on fire. He's most likely down here." Lydia concluded,"Lets go quick. If we can find out how to get the water flowing through the pipes, we might be able to get the sprinklers on and put out the fire before the entire school burns down."

Everyone nodded. Scott looked at everyone, an unsettling feeling creeping up his spine. He was worried about splitting up, but it was the best bet. Even if Malia and Kira did not find Stiles in school, they should still try and stop the fire.

"Be careful. If there isn't enough time to meet back here, get out while you can." Scott said.

Everyone nodded, smiling at eachother before going there separate ways. They had to believe in themselves....they had to believe in eachother.

"Alright, i'm pretty sure he isn't in any of the math classes" Malia said

"What makes you say that?" Kira asked

"Don't know, he hates math."


Lina walked inside, being followed by Adryan.

"Who are you taking?" Adryan asked.

"I'm following the coyote and the fox, you follow those three." Lina said, pulling a gun out of her bag and placing it in her pants. She pulled out a large kukri fighting knife ( I put a photo of it at the very bottom incase y'all don't know what it looks like)

"So you brought a gym bag.... just for this?" Adryan asked. Lina gave him a dirty look. A smile reached his face as he pulled out the 18 foot bull whip from his backpack," You know, I am so happy that I learned how to fight with this. It makes me feel like such a badass."

"Take this." Lina said suddenly, handing Adryan a sack full of black powder

"Mountain ash? When did you get it?" He grabbed the sack, inspecting it slowly. He used the string attached to the tiny sack to tie the thing to his belt loop.

"I've had it for a while, all the other bitches i've killed haven't really been much trouble. I feel like you'll need it for them though."

Adryan nodded, an evil smile forming on his face once again. He turned and walked away from Lina, heading towards Scott and the other two. She stood there for a couple seconds, watching Adryan walk in the direction of the boiler room quickly.

"Don't get yourself killed, idiot." Lina mumbled, running off towards Kira and Malia


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