Chapter 56

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3 days later

Liam stood in front of his bathroom mirror. He was completely naked, staring at his belly. He hadn't spoken much to anyone after the incident with Theo, not even Scott. That day, he refused to go to Deaton, afraid of what he was going to hear. Adryan, after much arguing, had agreed to just drive him home and suggested Liam take some time to rest.

Liam couldn't sleep though, that was the problem. He couldn't get past Theo's words.

"How could you let Scott do this to you?"

Liam's eyes teared up once again. He had been listening to this other heartbeat since that day. He couldn't stop, no matter how much he tried to hide from it. He knew what it was, considering that the tiny heartbeat was coming from inside him. What with the morning sickness that he still felt, the throbbing cramps he was getting. It wasn't something a werewolf with super healing should be experiencing. Theo seemed to know what it was right away. Even if he was too afraid to see what was right in front of him, tt was real, this was real... he was pregnant. Wasn't he? But could this be possible. Maybe he should go see Deaton? Even if he was afraid, he'd have to eventually.

He walked away from his mirror, feeling disgusted by his bloated appearance. He pulled some underwear on, laying down onto his bed. How could how could he and Scott let this happen. How could they both be so careless. Oh Scott...oh fuck, how would he tell Scott.

He listened to the pitter-patter of the heart beat, sighing. As much as he couldn't—no—didn't want to believe this, the small sound brought him comfort. He was to0 young to feel..proud about this. To feel a sense of happiness to have a potential mini Scott in him.

He picked up his phone, getting the bright idea to invite the person who brings him the most comfort despite how things have been between them lately. He put the phone up to his ear.

"Hey Mase."


"Scott? Are you listening?" Lydia asked. She tapped a distracted Scott's shoulder, watching as he slowly turned to look at her.

"What?" Scott asked.

"I said, we are heading out in a couple of minutes. We need to get the spell started with Belen as soon as possible."

"Oh.. okay." Scott said distractingly.

"You're worried about Liam?" Lydia asked, putting a soft hand onto his back. Scott's silence answered her.

He had been worried, more so because Liam was not speaking to anyone. Surely Theo had not done anything to harsh, right? Scott didn't know what to think. He had to see him, he had too. Liam was ignoring his calls and texts, so what could it be?

"Yeah. I just want to know what he's thinking. He's been distant and I hate it. I don't like the thought of him facing things alone." Scott rested his face in his hands, making Lydia chuckle.

"Whatever it is, he will tell you eventually. Stop pouting, you look like a child." Lydia smiled, pressing her cheek against Scott's before standing up and fluffing her skirt," Come on, let's go."


"The prisoners gave us her name. That's about it." Adryan said. Donnie was awake now, looking at him with drowsy, soft eyes.

"The name of the alpha?" Donnie asked

Adryan nodded," Her name is Satomi."

"Is there pack still there? In the woods?"

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