Chapter 32

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That's why my dad called me just now. The school's interior is a mess. The building is still up, but the classrooms and everything inside is destroyed." Stiles explained.

"So.....summer starts now? Fine with me." Malia smirked

"Are you alright?" Scott rubbed Liam's back, managing your get a smile out of him.

"Yeah, I feel fine now. This paralysis stuff is just weird." Liam chuckled, putting his head on Scott's shoulder.

"Paralysis?" Stiles asked

"Some boy who apparently thinks you're cute, just tried to kill all of us at school. Which was burning down, mind you." Lydia said. She smacked Stiles' arm," Oh and next time, make sure to tell us you left the school, so we don't run around like headless chickens looking for you."

"What boy? And hello? Paralysis, what?" Stiles asked

"Adryan. The boy who was helping me on the day of your SAT, he was the other volunteer besides Ian and I." Liam explained

"He was like some kind of human kanima." Malia said, nodding her head furiously at Stiles," He was really fast too, he was whooping our asses."

"Human Kanima?"

"Geez Stiles, you're slow. He had a very.....unique way of fighting. He explained, before fighting us, that it's some kind of pressure point combat he's been practicing since he was young." Lydia crossed her arms. She watched Ian's face as she noticed him twitching

"Dim Mak." Derek said, his eyes fluttering open."

"What the fuck is that?" Malia asked

"The touch of death." Derek stretched, standing up

"That doesn't sound good." Stiles sighed

"You sure the kid is human?"

"Pretty sure, why?" Malia replied

"The touch of death is focused on hitting certain points on the body. You need to be 100% accurate for it to work. Scott, how old is this kid?"


Derek opened his mouth to speak when Lydia interrupted his next sentence

"Yeah, that's nice, but can we talk about what we are going to do with him, please?" Lydia stood there expectantly, hands on her hips," He could wake up at any moment."

"Yeah, sorry." Scott apologized.

They had used ducktape to keep Ian's wrist and ankles bound against the chair. Lydia was the only one to make sure to put duct tape on his mouth as well.

"We need him to wake up anyway." Malia walked up to him, raising her hand

"Woah." Kira grabbed her arm," What are you doing? We can't wake him up like that."

"Why not? Its six versus one, he doesn't stand a chance." Malia slapped him across the face," Hey! Wake up!"

Ian twitched, but didn't give a sign that he was going to wake up anytime soon. Malia slapped him again, almost chuckling as Ian's head bobbled around a bit.

His eyes fluttered open as he hissed in pain. His eyes widened when he noticed everyone standing around him. He yelled, the sound being muffled by the tape.

" So, tell us, how do we stop the deadpool." Lydia crouched down to his eye level

Malia crouched beside her," I think we should take the tape off of his face." She whispered. Lydia looked at her, giving her a 'no shit sherlock' look

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