Chapter 33

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Suicide is mentioned near the end of the chapter, so please be mindful of that.

"You said which room?" Lydia asked Stiles through the phone," The room with the record player, right?"

"Yes, Lydia. How do you not know your lakehouse?"

She could practically hear Stiles rolling his eyes from the other side of the phone.

She clicked on him without another word, rolling her eyes as well.

"Come on, it's this way." She walked upstairs with Malia and Kira behind her.

"This is a nice place." Kira complemented, admiring all the photos of nature scattered all over the walls. A fresh scent of cinnamon and apples lay around the house, making it feel extremely cozy.

"Yeah, we usually come here for the holidays. It's a lot of space for just my mom and me to be honest."

Malia hummed, listening in on the conversation as they were about to reach the door to the room at the end of the hall


"Why is he still knocked out? Did doing that kill him?" Liam's tone was laced with concern as he watched Ian look lifeless in the chair he was restrained against

"No, he's fine," Derek said simply, no explanation included.

Liam still looked unsure," So how did you know about that one thing you said....Dim something...what was it?"

"Dim Mak." Derek chuckled

Scott watched with a small smile. He remembered when Liam had first met Derek-they hated each other, at each other's necks all the time. He remembered when Liam almost attacked Derek when he kept teasing him.

It had taken so much effort to get Derek to release Liam from the headlock that he had him in. Liam had been growling and roaring like some wild animal from how angry it was. Now, it seemed that maybe they reached an understand and it felt good to see them having a normal conversation

"He looks so young." Stiles admired Ian's pale, clear face. His heart constricted, sadness filling it as he watched his lover. He still couldn't believe that he was on the wrong side, that he was the enemy.

"Reminds me of Liam. Even though they both have powers, they're still younger than us. Probably more innocent than us too." Scott said

"He's not innocent, Scott. He's a killer. I just.... I can't believe I never saw it before. That I needed to hear his side of the story for reality to finally hit me."

"It's okay, Stiles."

"No, it isn't. He played me...betrayed me. I lost know, to him, Scott. I love him, I still do."

Scott nodded, not saying a word. He felt that maybe Stiles just needed to let it all out before he would put another word in, so he remained silent for the time being

"The worst part is, even though I know he's the benefactor...I still don't think he's the bad guy. I mean, he's just been through so much. It's the trauma that ruined him. It's what happened to him and everyone that he loved that destroyed him."

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