Chapter 58

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Scott stared at Liam's bedroom window. He could hear that Mason was in there and that he was about to leave, so should he just wait. Or should he go up to it? He didn't want to accidentally scare them, so he should wait instead right?

"What about Scott, then? I know you've been avoiding him." Mason commented. Scott jumped up without another thought, making sure to be silent. He crouched down by Liam's window. He was able to see the both of them lounging on Liam's bed, a movie playing loudly in the background.

"Shouldn't you be going?" Liam asked, crossing his arms. Mason chuckled.

"Yeah, but I've asked you this question like three times."

"I know, apparently you didn't catch the obvious avoidance the first time."

"Avoidance? Never heard you use that word before?"

"Screw you, Mase." Liam laughed, leaning back onto his bed. Mason smiled, not really caring about the whole dodging of questions Liam was doing. He could tell that Liam was stressed over something when they were over the phone. Mason had shown up with tons of snacks and a list of movies. They had done nothing but watch a movie and eat multiple snacks and overall just enjoy each other's company for the past hour and a half before Mason's mother called him saying that it was getting dark. Liam didn't want him to go, but he couldn't fight the fierce woman even if he wanted to.

"If it's something serious, you'd tell me right?" Mason asked. Liam smiled at him, a genuine smile now. He oh so wanted to tell Mason what he was feeling, but he thought it was best if he started with the werewolf explanation. It was a debate he'd had with himself for a while now, whether or not he should tell his parents and Mason.

"Of course I would, you know that. You're my best friend." Liam said to him. He was about to speak up about something else when he a familiar heartbeat reached his ears.

"Yeah, well. Considering how long you and Adryan kept your fight a secret, I feel like you wouldn't tell me anything else unless you were on your deathbed." Mason rambled, noticing how Liam was distracted. He followed his eyes to the window. He could see a strand of hair sticking up, clearly somebody was there. It was kind of hard to see, but the light from the moon shined through Liam's window, the hair giving off a shadow.

Scott listened patiently, wondering when the hell Mason was actually going to leave. He had talked about leaving almost ten minutes ago and Scott was sure that they were both still sitting on Liam's bed.

Mason looked over to Liam worriedly. He was a bit surprised to see that Liam was completely calm as he watched the window intently. Of course, Liam knew that this wasn't some escaped convict or some murderer or burglar outside his window, but Mason didn't know what to think.

Mason tried to grab Liam's arm when he arose from the bed slowly and walked around it. Liam swatted him away, holding a finger to his lips to shush him. He walked towards the window barefoot, not even having to tiptoe to make sure that he was silent. All worry he had in the beginning quickly seeped away and was replaced by anger.

'Why the hell is Scott being a creep?' Liam fumed. Mason was still afraid, but waited patiently on Liam's bed. Scott stayed sat by the window, wondering why the hell both of their heartbeats spiked. He was a bit nervous to look up from his hiding spot, so he stayed put.

He flinched when the window suddenly flew open.

"What. In. The. Fuck. Are you doing." A small voice hissed.

Scott suddenly became afraid to look up, but was forced to when a hand pushed his head.

"Who is it?" He could hear Mason ask from inside the room.

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