Chapter 40

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4 days later

Two figures moved towards the facility. They wore all black clothing to utilize the darkness of the night as a kind of cloak. They watched the guards propped up on the towers, shining light down to check for anything suspicious. There were some men patrolling on the ground as well, rifles in hand incase any sudden threat appeared.

"Okay, 4 towers, one man in each to patrol. We just need to take down the one on the east and the on on the west to avoid being seen." The girl said to her partner. He nodded, grabbing his bow. He never really used this weapon often, but in their current situation it was probably better to be stealthy.

They got closer to the large fence, seeing large crates to use as a kind of cover.

"Wait! Get back!" The boy yanked her backwards just as the light passed them, keeping them both out of its sight.

The girl nodded, beginning to climb the fence with the boy following her movements. Once on the other side of the fence, they moved towards the crates quickly.

"Alright, take your shot." The girl instructed. He took aim with his arrow, aiming at the man in the western tower in front of them. They needed to take him out if they had any chance of getting inside. He pulled back the string with an arrow, taking a deep breath before releasing.

The light stopped moving as the man's body disappeared.

"Headshot." The boy smirked. The smirk quickly fell as multiple guards took notice of the sudden change.

"Hey! Darell?! What's going on up there?!" One of the guards shouted into his walkie-talkie. They watched as the man radioed three other men to join him.

"What's going on?" Another guard asked

"The patrol light has stopped moving. I believe that something may have happened to Officer Macrov."

The four men discussed possible reasons of what had happened. They agreed to go up together to see what the issue was.

"Take out the two in the back, then the two in front." The girl whispered. The boy nodded at her.

The two of them crept towards the men as they made it to the metal door. They each grabbed the two men in the back, snapping their necks.

"Alright—Hey what the fuck?!" The main guard yelled, pulling out his gun. His movement was quickly interupted as the gun was kicked out of his hand. He screamed as he lost feeling in his body as he was hit with multiple, quick jabs.

His body flopped onto the floor. The fourth man was already on the ground as well, his own arms handcuffed behind his back.

"Alright, lets use the vents." The girl said. The two men in front of them were yelling.

"Why the vents? By the way, shouldn't we shut these two up?" The boy motioned towards the two men who were still alive

"We need to use the vents to cut out the security cameras. The vents lead to every single room in the building, besides the prison cells of course. Once we get into the vents, we drop into the security room and take out the guards." The girl ignored his second question.

The boy nodded. He thought maybe they should hide the bodies though, to avoid alerting any other guards. The girl seemed to catch on to what he was thinking.

"Adryan." The girl spoke

Adryan looked into Lina's eyes through the little space her mask allowed. She pulled the mask away from her mouth.

"It'll be fine, alright? The sooner we get him out, the better for us both. There is no need to waste time on stupid things like this. If their bodies are found, they're found." Lina said, patting his shoulder.

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