Chapter 1

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***Hey Guys so this is my first ever fanfiction and its on my two favorite characters on Teenwolf
Scott&Liam. Enjoy!***

Scott had been thinking about him again....Liam was on his mind. A few days ago he bit him.
Ever since then things have been really interesting between them.

Sometimes Liam catches Scott staring at him or Vise Versa. He could always see something else beyond Liam's piercing blue eyes.....

"Scott? Buddy?" Stiles waved his hand infront of Scott's face.

"Huh? What?."

"Dude are you doing okay that's like the fifth daydream today."
Stiles chuckled.

"Yeah Stiles i'm fine, just thinking."

Stiles grinned," About?"

"Nothing really." Scott returned a smile.

Stiles knew something was up but he decided to drop it....for now.

"Here take a look at this." Stiles handed Scott's a photo," That's a girl named Carrie, Carrie Hudson she was killed here on campus last night.
Scott looked at his bestfriend," And your dad just happened to give you these photos?"

"Well not with permission. No."

"SCOTT! STILES!." Malia called from behind them, she was walking towards them," Did you figure out the benefactor?"

"Malia i'm pretty sure you know the answer to that question."

"No." Malia and Scott said in unison.

"Yup." Stiles gave a deep sigh

Liam was walking into school and saw his....pack? Scott and his friends. He walked over to them.

"Hey Guys. What's wrong?" Liam frowned.

"Well another girl was killed here at school." Scott said.

"Another one."

This voice startled them.

"Lydia don't do that." Stiles said.

"So what happened to this girl?" Liam asked.

"She was stabbed multiple times in the chest." Stiles replied.

"Let me see." Lydia took the photo from Stiles' hand. She scrunched her nose when she saw the dead body," When did this happen?"

"Last night." Scott said.

"So how do we know if someone else is gonna die?" Malia asked.

Everyone then turned to face Lydia.

"Oh no. The last time we tried this Kira almost got killed remember?"

"Well how else are we gonna know if people are gonna stop dieing or not?" Malia asked.

" Well we have a list don't we?" Lydia crossed her arms over her chest.

"But not all of it." Scott said.

"Well i'm pretty sure shes on the first list.....See her name."
Lydia pointed at the girls name," She wasn't worth that much though."

The bell then rang, signaling that everyone had to get to class.

"Okay we'll talk later, and Lydia your still helping." Stiles mumbled.

Lydia huffed," Whatever." She mumbled.

Lydia and Malia walked in one direction and Stiles in the other. Leaving Scott and Liam alone.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked.
Liam was shaking.

"Yeah it's just I don't know if i'm on the list, and it's scary to think someones just wants to kill me.....for money." Liam admitted.

"I'm sorry." Scott blurted out.

Liam's expression softened," Scott just stop apologizing. You had no other choice."

"I know,but.....I should have never put you in this position."
Scott bowed his head.

Liam wanted to be angry but after everything that happend at Lydia's lake house, he's trusted Scott alot more.

"I trust you Scott. I just....I can't be angry because you chose to save me." Liam said calmly.

Scott looked up at him amd gave a weak smile," Come on i'll walk you to class." Scott got up when he felt arms wrap around him.

"Thanks." Liam said into his neck

Scott wrapped his arms around him," You don't need to thank me."

Then they arrived at Liam's first period and Scott waited for him to go in.

As Liam walked in Scott started to stare again. Liam could feel Scott's eyes on him, but he was to happy to care.

Scott smiled to himself and walked off to class. Yeah he was sporting a crush.

***So this is Chapter 1.
Hope you liked it. And I'll be updating frequently to my story.

Chapter 2 next!!***

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