Chapter 65

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"What's going? Why are there so many people being wheeled in?" Melissa asked frantically as she helped a nurse wheel a patient towards the elevator.

"There was a major accident on the highway, traffic zoomed by as the road somehow collapsed in on itself. 27 injured, 6 dead. Some people still need to be rescued."

Melissa turned around as multiple women began screaming. She pressed the button on the elevator for the nurse, before running back to the front desk. She looked around, as the woman continued to yell.

"What's—"Melissa asked, freezing as the woman that was screaming was wheeled away. Some of her fingers had broken off in the accident. It looked like her hand had split down the middle, about to break in half completely.

"Melissa." The sheriff, Noah, came in," How's it going here?"

Melissa sighed," There's lots of people, some still being pulled from the reckage. What the hell happened out there, what did this? I'm sure it wasn't some sort of construction accident, that road has been there since before I even had Scott."

"Some witness say it was a woman. She was standing in the middle of the road, but she never got hit by any of the cars. That it looked like she was looking for someone, something. Then a car crashed into nothing and the whole bridge collapsed."

Melissa arched an eyebrow," What do you mean a car crashed into nothing?"

Noah shrugged," That the car crashed into nothing but air before the road collapsed."

Melissa looked at him confusedly, before her face straightened," That doesn't even sound crazy at this point. Right, so I need to tend to a couple patients. Could you find out if Stiles and Scott are still together? That they're safe—Isaac?" Melissa paused as Isaac was carried through the entrance and deeper into the hospital.

Her mind flew to Chris. She'd have to phone immediately. She wondered why Isaac was alone in the first place, he rarely ever left Chris' side. He'd been attached to the hip with Chris since Allison came back. She hoped to get an explanation from Isaac as soon as he woke up.


"Liam." Scott whispered. It'd been over an hour now. No word from Stiles, no signal, nothing. It wasn't much of a surprise, considering their phones had been confiscated. That didn't mean the silence didn't make the hairs on the back of Scott's neck rise. He'd been trying to sleep, unfortunately being plagued by dreams of his friends death.

He whispered Liam's name again, trying to get him to wake up. Liam stirred, swatting Scott's hand and turning his face into Scott's thighs. Scott ran a hand through his hair, smiling softly. His eyes glanced over to Liam's belly, noticing his hand on it. He paused, staring at it. Liam sighed softly into his thighs, his fingers grazing his small bump lightly. Scott moved his hands from Liam's hair, slowly putting his hand over his.

Scott stared at their hands over Liam's stomach. He slowly wiggled his fingers to interlock them. He remembered what Liam had said, about wanting to make a better life for their baby. He'd been thinking about solutions, possibilities. Ultimately, Scott thought that...maybe the best thing would be to leave Beacon Hills. This town was too much, wreaking havoc on him, his friends, his parents, and now his unborn child. Leaving would ensure a calming life.

He didn't want to go, but that felt like the logical solution, as of now of course. God, he can already imagine the fit Liam would throw because of this.. Scott blinked rapidly, willing tears to stop from forming. He sniffled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Liam's head. He leaned his head back against the wall, seeing Lydia looking over at him, smiling.

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