Chapter 42

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1 week later

Liam closed his locker, slowly resting his head against it. He could hear someone walking up next to him, opening the locker beside him. He lifted his head to see who it was.

"Well good morning sunshine." Mason smiled. He patted Liam's head, getting his hand smacked away.

Liam lifted his head, turning towards his best friend. His face immediately lit up when Mason pushed an iced coffee and two donuts towards his hands

"What's this for?" Liam asked, thanking him immediately

"My mom dropped me off today, so I asked her for some breakfast on the way. I told her you were sick, so she offered to buy you some things."

"Bless her soul." Liam handed Mason the iced coffee. He opened his locker and set the iced coffee inside.

"Are you not going to drink it right now?" Mason asked

"Yeah. I just don't want your fingers to get cold." Liam took a bite of one of the donuts. He and Mason looked to the side when the locker beside Liam opened.

"Adryan?" Liam looked at him with a confused expression. Was this his new locker

"Yes, this is my locker incase you're wondering." Adryan opened his backpack, placing some books inside.

"That's good." Mason said, looking between the two of them

Liam rolled his eyes," We're not fighting anymore. You can stop being weird, Mase."

Mason looked surprised," Well, amazing morning to the both of you, then." A big grin appeared on his face, oblivious of what had gone down between the two people in front of them.

Liam turned to the school's entrance like he knew that Scott, his ex, would walk in any minute—and walk in any minute he did, with Stiles right on his tail.

"I'm not sure. Chris said that Derek hasn't been able to find the Nemeton." Scott said, walking to his same old locker. His was right next to Stiles' like it has been for the past four years."

"Then it has to mean something. Let's say that if Derek can't find it, maybe you guys won't either. Then maybe it somehow turned itself off. Like it's keeping itself hidden."

"Maybe.. Satomi did say that something is changing the energy in Beacon Hills, so it most likely affected the Nemeton as well." Scott said. He heard Mason's voice, immediately turning towards the direction of it. He caught Liam's eyes right away.

Liam didn't move, finding it difficult to look away from those soft, brown eyes. Scott gave him an awkward smile. Liam returning it with an awkward wave.

Mason laughed, turning his attention back to Liam.

"Liam?" He asked

"Scott?" Stiles asked. He followed his friend's gaze, seeing Liam down the hall with Mason and some other kid. He turned back to Scott," Hello?"

"Liam....Liam!" Mason said in annoyed tone. Adryan turned to look at Liam as well, noticing his distracted face.

"Huh? Yeah? What?" Liam asked quickly, giving both of them weird looks," Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"You and Mr. McCall over there are looking at each other like to nerds with sweating problems." Mason said.

"We are not."

"Why don't you just go to him?" Adryan chuckled. Mason cringed, realizing that he didn't know. Liam ignored his question, finishing one of the donuts.

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