Chapter 31

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INDIRECT MENTION OF RAPE! also a small mention of suicide

"So..she didn't have your mom killed then?" Stiles asked, adjusting himself on Ian's bed. They had moved upstairs to be in a "more comfortable" setting according to him.

"No, she didn't. She had died in the hospital when she saved Derek's life."

"From hunters."

"Yeah. The hunters had cam after Derek after word had gotten around that he had killed some girl named Page."

Stiles' eyes widened. Ian turned to look at him," What? You knew her?"

"Well, I never met her. I do know of her though. Peter had mentioned that she was Derek's first girlfriend." Stiles said

"So then why would he kill her?"

"Peter bit her. Her body wasn't doing well with the bite, so Derek killed her."

"Seriously? Derek's own uncle practially forced him to kill his first girlfriend. Shit and I thought I was fucked up."

Stiles chuckled. There was another question in the back of his mind. Had he lied about how he got his powers. Did he lie about he accidentally killed the people who adopted him, or did he intentionally kill them

"Did you.....Did you kill your adoptive parents. Like, purposely? "

Ian turned to him. Stiles swore he can see his eyes gloss over.

"N-no, no. I did get my powers at a young age. It wasn't because Talia's pack attacked me though. I had ran away once we got back to the Hale house. Derek was supposed to take care of me... I snuck out the moment he fell asleep."

Stiles didn't say anything. Ian looked as if he was about to burst into tears, so he just nodded his head and hummed to show him that he was listening.

"I got lost in the woods in like the first two hours I was gone. I had fallen and scraped my knee. I then fell into fucking mud, so after that I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be found. The mud was probably masking my scent, but I didn't know it at the time. I had kept wandering around for hours, feeling sad knowing my mom wasn't there with me. I had thought about going back, but I didn't know where I was and I didn't want to scream becasue I was afraid of the dark." Ian began to rub his arm. A couple of tears had slipped from his eyes at this point

Stiles put an arm around his shoulder. He had no idea why he was crying, but he knew that everything went downhill from there.

"I was sleeping on some grass when a growling noise woke me up. There were three guys around me when I woke up. They had asked me what I was doing alone in the middle of woods at night. They had seemed so concerned about me, little did I know they weren't trying to help me. They had promised to take me to their house, where their mom could help me, but they just took me to some cave. T-they...u-um."Ian began to choke up," They started trying to take my clothes off. I had started screaming because I got scared, so they just started t-tearing them off."

"Ian yo—"

"They-y raped me, S-Stiles. The oldest one of the three was an alpha, and he was biting and scratching me all over. They just...left me in t-the woods a-after." Ian mumbled, tears streaming down his cheeks. He was pulled into Stiles' chest.

"I'm sorry, Ian" He whispered into his hair. He kissed the top of his head, holding back his own tears


"Do you think Stiles is okay?" Lydia asked.

"I don't know, I just hope he isn't dead." Malia said, turning around to face Liam and Kira in the backseat," How are you guys holding up?"

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