Chapter 39

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A week earlier

Chris read the paper in front of him. There was little, to no information on what had just happened. No one had heard or even seen anything. Not even the man who works the night shift at the cemetery knew what happened.

The chill of the morning had set him off, leaving him in an even worse mood than when he arrived. He was confused, sad, and angry. How could this have happened. Who could have done this?

"Chris" Sheriff Stilinski said.

"Noah." Chris nodded, turning back towards the grave, his daughters grave.

"How are you holding up?" Noah asked, walking up beside him.

Chris didn't answer at first. He just stood there, staring at the empty coffin in front of him," It looks like someone blew the coffin to pieces. How in the world did they manage to get her out of here?"

"I'm not sure. The report says that she broke through, but that doesn't explain how she managed to somehow push all of the dirt off of her coffin. The hole is way too big for her to have gotten out on her own"

"What do you mean on her own? She's dead, Noah. Someone took her. I mean, look." Chris pointed at the wood," Some parts of the coffin is in pieces, some large chunks and others small. I also noticed bits of the coffin around some of the other gravestones. Some kind of force—an explosive one in this case—blew the coffin to pieces from the inside. That's why there are parts scattered everywhere."

"How would they have managed to get this supposed bomb inside then? They would have had to remove the soil on top of her coffin, but at that point it wouldn't have made sense to place a bomb inside. It would have been easier to open it up manually, instead." Noah said. He was surprised that Chris wasn't open to the idea that maybe his daughter somehow managed to get out on her own. It's not like crazier things haven't happened in this town.

Then again, it is understandable. He wouldn't know what to do if Stiles suddenly popped out of a grave after passing away. Chris shook his head, not saying another word.

"Are you going to tell Scott?" Noah asked.

"Of course I am." Chris said, heat behind his words as he responded quickly.

"You need a hug?" Noah asked seriously, looking at Chris with creased eyebrows. Maybe that's what he needed right now. For someone to just comfort him and understand him. For someone to make him feel like things weren't going completely wrong as they spoke.

Chris didn't say anything, letting himself be pulled into an awkward, but warm hug. His eyes welled up with tears, but never escaped his eyes as he put his shoulder onto Noah's shirt

"I promise I will do everything I can to find her." Noah promised.

Chris thanked him with unspoken words, tightening his arms around Noah instead.


Present Time

"You knew?!" Scott yelled. He had called the pack to his house to discuss what he had just seen. He was worried about Chris' reaction, telling him he would tell him once he had arrived. His worry quickly changed into a feeling of anger when Chris revealed that he had already known. His mother's knowledge of the incident working to fuel his anger as well.

"Yes I did." Melissa said bluntly," I wasn't planning on telling you either."

"Mom! What the hell?! Don't you think that I-- that we would all need to know this." Scott quickly corrected himself.

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