Chapter 12

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Same day, but Scott is now at home

Scott's POV:

I walked up to my front porch as I unlocked my door and stepped inside. Everything was silent.

Mom is probably still at work I thought as I walked over to the fridge. Sure enough, a note with my mom's handwriting was on the fridge door.

"Hey, honey. I had to take the night shift as well tonight. There was a horrible accident involving a school bus and a truck, so I got called back into work. I left you some money to order pizza if you'd like, I didn't have to time to cook. I love you Scott." -Mom

Scott smiled but it slowly turned into a frown. He was tired of his mom working all the time. He felt bad that she never really got a break. Yeah, she had said that she loved what she did, but Scott couldn't help but noticed how exhausted she was all the time.

He drew a small breath and smiled again. He was proud of her. He admired her for the strong woman she was. 

He sighed and grabbed the house phone to call the pizza place.
"How are you?" Scott asked Lydia, over the phone

"I'm good, I'm good. The feeling of impending danger has somewhat gone away, but I'm good." Lydia laughed

Scott laughed as well," Well, at least nothing has happened so far."

The past two weeks had been pretty peaceful for the most part.

"I forgot we have the stupid PSAT tomorrow though." I complained. I  groaned dramatically over the phone.

"No, I don't need to take it remember. I took it earlier in the year." Lydia bragged," My scores were really good so."

"I know, what time are the students supposed to go 7:45, right?" I asked

"Nope... before 7:30."

I wanted to slap myself. I was a bit scared to glance at the clock. I took a quick peek to what time it was

Ehh, it's pretty early. I thought


"So Scott, Mason was telling me that you and Liam are dating. Is that true?" Lydia asked.

"Maybe." I chuckled

"SCOTT MCCALL and you didn't THINK to tell me?" Lydia shrieked into the phone.

"Well... I haven't really thought about where to take him." I sighed.

"Oh well," Lydia said." I can help you, if you'd like."

"Um, I don't know-"

"Oh just let me help you." Lydia whined.

"Can I think about it?" I asked slowly.

"I'll give you a day to sleep on it." I heard Lydia clap her hands behind the phone

Lydia screamed, making me flinch," TAKE HIM OUT ON HIS BIRTHDAY!"

"What do you mean, his birthday is in like, a month or two."

"Exactly! we have a while to plan it out don't we."

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