Chapter 50

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Mr. Walker drove up to the gate of the cemetery, turning off the engine and stepping out. He held the lotus flowers in his hands, taking a deep breath before pushing the gate open and stepping inside. He listened in and looked around to make sure that nobody was around. He waited for a couple of seconds, only continuing to walk when he was sure there was no one else there. He did not like to be here unless it was completely empty and if there were people here, he would always make sure that he was never seen.

People were always awkward when going through loss, always carrying this dark, rainy cloud on their shoulders. He did not like to share exchanges when people would come here. It would always feel like a competition to see who was going through the most pain, so he avoided people at cemeteries altogether.

He walked through the same path as he had done practically 100 times in a row. He passed names he had seen before. Ana Ruiz, Kevin Cortez, Symphony Graham, Sally Louis. All these name were down the path to his son's grave. He wiped the tears that always threatened to slip when he got closer to the grave. He hugged the flowers, seeing the grave in the distance.

Malia, Kira, and Liam all crept up quietly by the trees, making sure not to be seen. They followed the man closely, but from a distance.

"Where is he going?" Malia asked

Liam and Kira shrugged.


They all watched as the man stopped at one of the tombstones, staring at it silently.

"Can you hear what he is saying?" Liam asked Malia.

"He isn't saying anything, he is just standing there."

"What do we do?" Kira asked

"We wait for him to leave. We need to see the name of the tombstone." Liam said

They all sat there for another couple of minutes, Malia making sure to listen to anything he might've said.

"He is literally just standing there, looking down at it. I can hear him sniffling, so I'm pretty sure he is crying." Malia said

"Maybe he is praying in his head?" Kira guessed

They all turned their heads back to him as he slowly, but surely, set the flowers down onto the dirt. He looked towards the sky before walking off.

"He said 'I know you're not gone.'"  Malia said


"When he looked up to the sky, he said 'I know you're not gone.'"

"Come on lets go." Kira said

They all ran up to the tombstone he was standing in front of. Liam walked up to it, crouching down. He squinted his eyes to look at the name, noticing how dusty it was. He dusted it off with his sleeve, freezing once he saw the name. It should have been obvious at this point, would that man know him

"What does it say?" Malia asked

"Ian...Ian Walker." Liam read. The name Nelson was crossed out, the name Walker carved above it.

"Then that man must be..." Kira began

"His dad.." Liam finished


"This symbol is different. This one is a spiral. These two circles don't touch." Stiles examined the symbol on the wall in the abandoned factory Derek had taken them to.

"Are you sure?" Derek asked, taking Stiles' phone

"Yes, I'm sure. I've been staring at our drawing the whole time we drove here."

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