Chapter 43

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"Why is he sitting over there?" Scott asked, staring at Liam sitting with Mason and Adryan.

"He has friends besides us, isn't that fine?"Malia said

"It would be fine with Mason, but isn't that the boy that tried to kill us?"

Stiles perked up at that, remembering what they had said about that boy in particular.

"Which boy?" He asked

"The boy who, you know, used Ian's plan to burn down the school to his advantage," Scott said

"The one who said I was cute?" Stiles asked

Malia rolled her eyes," Yes, Stiles. The boy who said you were the hunk of his dreams tried to kill us."

"What's his name?" Stiles asked

"It's not important," Scott said, giving him an odd look. He's thankful for any compliments that he receives, but he would feel a bit creeped out if someone who tried to kill his friends found him attractive.

Stiles looked at him with feigned sadness," This is serious, Scott."

Malia squinted her eyes. She knew what he was trying to get at, but she didn't say it out loud.

"I think it's... Adryan?" Kira said, trying to remember what Liam had said his name was.

Stiles looked at the table Liam was sitting at, watching Adryan stand up and leave the cafeteria


"What's up with him?" Mason darted his head towards the exit Adryan went towards

"Don't know." Liam lied, thankful that Adryan left. They both knew that despite Liam's forgiveness, things were still a bit awkward. Spending 10 minutes at the lockers together is different from spending a 30-minute lunch together.

Adryan was practically ready and up to leave, using the excuse that he had to use the restroom--which they both knew was a lie.

"Hm... So, what happened to your arm?" Mason asked suddenly

Liam almost choked on his food," W-what?"

"Geez, I'm not asking if you committed murder. I'm just asking what happened."


Mason sighed, "Is there something wrong? I mean, it feels like you're hiding something. Both you and Adryan are acting weird. I feel like I'm being left out from some big secret and it sucks."

"I promise it's nothing. I fell off my bike and scratched my arm on the side of the road."

"Alright...what else?"

"What do you mean?"

"What's going on between you and Adryan?"

Mason was answered with silence. He sighed, anger beginning to set in at his friend's sudden quietness.

"This is exactly what I mean. You never even told me what the hell happened at the mall. Why Adryan was there with a bleeding arm that looked like it was about to fall off. Or why I saw Adryan crying in your arms for a split second."

"It's complicated, Mason"

"Then uncomplicate things for me," Mason said harshly. He looked at Liam expectantly, a frustrated expression on his face.

Liam didn't know what to say. He sat there looking at Mason with soft eyes.

"Fine." Mason stood up, leaving without another word.

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