Chapter 182: Factions' Games!

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A.N. - This is supposed to be part of the Specials! chap. but since it is quite a looong read, I just decided to break it down into 2 regular chaps. :)  Enjoy.

Erin and Issei were venturing around the supermarket. Archaea said that their food supply in the house is getting low so Erin offered to do the task in buying their supplies. Issei decided to tag along and since the twins were left to do another task, it was only him and Erin.

"Yoshi. Looks like we bought all of the items in the list." said Issei.

"Yes. Let's head home now."

When they rounded a corner, a magic circle suddenly appeared and Azazel came into view.

"Azazel? What are you doing here?" asked Erin and the fallen grinned.

"I came to look for the two of you. Do you guys want to move your body around? There's a good event coming up!"

Erin and Issei shared curious looks.


Azazel smiled in a mischievous way and Erin had a bad feeling about it.

“Well, we don’t want to. It’s something worthless again right? We're making everyone wait, so we will be leaving- "

“Now, hold on! It’s a sports event! Don’t you want to participate in a sports event?” Azazel quickly said while pulling Erin's arm.

“S…Sports event……you say?” Issei looked at the fallen doubtfully.

Azazel pulls something out of his pocket and explained.

“Yeah, an event will be held among our organization soon. So I want to invite the two of you as a guest.”

"Oh.. so the Grigori would hold a sports event." mused Erin.

“E...Even if you say that all of a sudden…” Issei awkwardly said. Azazel lured him in with a tempting offer.

“Remember how you said you wanted to meet Fallen Angel beauties? There are some girls with huge oppai with us, you know……?”

Issei's ears perked up and Azazel showed him several photos.

“F...For real!? W-What should I do…. Oh man, everyone sure has nice bodies…. Holy, this girl over here has oppai which are too massive! But she still has nice curves on her hips! I can’t hold it…..!"

"It's simple really." Azazel grinned. "If you participate in our event and somehow convince Erin-chi to participate too, I will introduce you to these beauties."

Erin rolled her eyes while Issei gave her a pleading look.

"E-Erin! Let's participate in the event!"

"I don't know Issei. Maybe Azazel is kind of tricking us. Who knows what he is thinking..."


“Mgh! Azazel! I have told you! Erin and Issei belongs to our side!”

Sirzechs came out from the shadows. Seeing him, Azazel clicked his tongue.

“Chi! Looks like the Maou-sama came! Fuhahahahahaha! Farewell!”

Sirzechs puts his hand on Erin's shoulder and breathed out.

“He sure is a man I should be wary of. My sister-in-law and sister's servant was almost lured into being a participant for the Fallen Angels.”

"Does it have something to do with the sports event of the Grigori?" Erin questioned

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