Love at first site?!/Yamcha has a date with Robin?!

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It was the second day that the Straw Hats had been in Goku's world. While there, they hadn't really left Capsule Corps. Instead, they spent their first day just lazing around. Sanji had taken it upon himself to serve everyone food as the temporary new chef in Capsule Corps. Usopp would spend time looking at all the unique inventions that Mr. Brief's made. Zoro spent most of his time just sleeping, while Chopper checked out the types of medicine books Bulma had in her library. 

Luffy would try all the new food that Bulma made while Nami kept an eye on him. Robin on the other hand, wanted to head out into the city to explore but Bulma insisted that someone guide her through West City. "What's wrong, Robin dear?" Sanji asked, "I'm still waiting for Bulma to bring me someone to help me explore the city. But with a few of the others still figuring out a plan to get the dragon balls that Frieza has, I'm not sure if she has asked anyone." Robin said with a sigh.

 "Don't worry Robin dear! I'll whip you up something delicious that will take your mind off of this!" Sanji said as he rushed into the kitchen. As Robin was about to go back to reading a book, she heard the door from outside open. "Hm?" "Yo, Bulma! You here? I'm here like you asked." ["Could this be the person Bulma called to guide me? I should let him know that I'm here."] "Excuse me, I believe-?!" Robin stopped as she came face-to-face with Yamcha. "Oh, hey! I'm Yamcha, is Bulma around? She asked me to come by to help with something." Yamcha said, Robin not responding. "Um, hello?"

 "Huh? Oh-uh, yes! I believe she asked you to help guide me around the city." Robin said, a small blush forming on her face. "Oh, ok! Funny, I didn't think that Bulma wanted me to show a beautiful girl like you around the city....?! I-I mean-." "You think I'm beautiful?" "Uh yeah, I mean I bet you get that a lot right?" Yamcha said a bit nervously. "Y-yeah, but um...Mmm." Robin tried to speak but couldn't find the words, which was a first for her. Instead, she blushed a bit more and looked down.

 "Robin, I-ACK?!" Sanji poked his head out to see Robin blushing as she kept talking to Yamcha. "So, do you uh, wanna come look around West City with me?" Yamcha asked, "Oh! Yes, of course." Robin said, she then walked over to the kitchen. "You can offer the dish to Luffy, Sanji. I'll be heading out to explore now. Let's go." Robin said as she went arm in arm with Yamcha and led him out.

 "Man, what smells good?! Is Charmy having her Sheep cook again?" Asta asked as he walked in with Mimosa in tow. "Sanji? Are you ok?" Mimosa asked as she saw Sanji with a shocked look on his face. "Robin.... Robin just left with some random guy and-and-!" "What?" "The look she gave him. It's like she fell in love or something!" "So you're saying it's love at first sight? I know that feeling." Asta said, thinking about Sister Lily.

 ["Huh?! Asta fell in love with someone at first sight?! C-Could it be me?"] Mimosa began to grow red and panic. "You ok, Mimosa?" "Uh?! I'm fine!" "Well I'm not! If Robin likes someone who isn't me, then I need to make sure she's in good hands!" Sanji said, "How are you gonna do that?" Asta asked, scratching his head. "By following them. C'mon you two are gonna help." "Are you sure we should try and interfere with their date?" Mimosa asked, 

"We're not interfering. We're just going to make sure that Robin is in good hands. And you two are the perfect way to not get caught." Sanji said, "Really?" "Yeah if you guys get caught, just say you're on a date." Sanji said, "Eh?" "A-A date?! J-Just me and Asta?! This is so sudden! I don't know-." "Hell I'm down!" "Great." "WHA?!" Mimosa was more than surprised when Asta agreed. "Asta, are you sure? I-I mean, what about-." "Hey if we're doin' this to make sure Sanji's friend is in good hands, then that's fine with me." Asta said with a thumbs up.

 "Alright you guys, let's go." Sanji said, "Wait, what's gonna be your excuse?" Asta asked Sanji, "Easy, I'll say I'm going shopping for some more food. Which is partly true, since I've been wanting to check out some of these food stores." Sanji said, and so the three left to follow Robin and Yamcha. "So, where are you going to take me first?" Robin asked, 

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