Exploring Axel

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Today marks the second day the group has stayed in Axel, and they all decided to explore the town. "So where is everyone headed today?" Goku asked, "I kinda wanted to go on another quest to earn some money for those clothes. So I'm gonna head to the guild." Kirishima said, " Kazuma told me about this store that I wanted to check out. So we'll be going there." Midoriya said, "Darkness told us that there was a really nice Bath House that we were going to try out." Uraraka said with Jiro and Yaoyorozu getting ready.

 "I think I'll join you then." Midnight said, "I heard there was a library here so that's where I'll be." Todoroki said, "I'll go and investigate the surrounding area. Just to make sure none of Frieza's men are here." Vegeta said, "Right, well then I'm heading off to train for a while." "I'll go with you!" Darkness said as she stood up. "Don't let her go." Kazuma whispered, "Why not? If she wants to train, who am I to stop her. Come on Darkness." Goku said, "Wait! I'm coming too!" Aqua said as she ran to catch up with them. 

"Guess we'll see each other at dinner." Todoroki said and so everyone began to leave. "Yo Bakugou, want to come with me?" Kirishima asked as he put on his hero costume. "Just go, I'm staying here." Bakugou said as he laid down on the couch. "If you're going to stay, then you can start practicing your training." Aizawa said as he appeared out of nowhere. "Ah! What are you doing here?!" Bakugou shouted, 

"I slept in. so, are you going to help Kirishima, or do you want to train here?" Aizawa asked, 'Damn it, fine. Come on Spiky hair let's go." Bakugou said as he grabbed his hero costume. The two left, but unknowing to them, Megumin began to follow them. "So, your friend owns the shop?" Midoriya asked as he and Kazuma walked through the town. "Yeah, her name is Wiz. she runs a shop full of stuff." Kazuma explained, the two soon arrived at Wiz's store. "Hello Kazuma." Wiz greeted them with a smile. 

"Hey Wiz. Where's Vanir? I thought he'd be here too." Kazuma asked, "Oh that's right. He went out to find new things for us to put up." Wiz said, then looked at Midoriya. "So, who's your friend, Kazuma?" Wiz asked, "Oh yeah, my name is Izuku Midoriya." Midoriya then shook Wiz's hand. "Nice to meet you, Izuku. So, what brings you two here today?" Wiz asked, "We just came to look around." Kazuma said, "Sure, feel free to look." Wiz said, so the two began to look around. "Wow, all of this stuff looks fascinating." Midoriya said, he then noticed a collar.

 "Is this for dogs?" Midoriya asked, "Huh? Eh?!" Kazuma looked at the collar and noticed that it was the one he had put around his neck. "Let's just put that back." Kazuma said as he took the collar from Midoriya. "Hey, Ms.Wiz, what's this?" Midoriya then pointed to some rubber-like substance. "Oh this? This is absorption rubber. It helps adventurers of the crusader class deal heavy damage without hurting themselves with recoil." Wiz explained, 

"Really?!" Midoriya then thought of something. "Ms Wiz, can I ask you something?" "Of course! What is it?" Wiz asked, "Ok so say there was an adventurer who didn't use weapons but their fists. And they still get hit with recoil... could this stuff help with that?" Midoriya asked, "Hmm... from what you're talking about it sounds like you're a fighter class, or brawler as others call.

 They would also learn skills that could cause recoil so they do use this and it does help exponentially." Wiz explained, "No way! Ms Wiz, do you think I can have this?" Midoriya asked, "Sure, it's 700 eris." Wiz said, "Eh?! Um, I don't really have money... maybe we can trade something?" Midoriya asked, "That's not a problem. What do you have to trade?" Wiz asked, "Um... let me see." Midoriya looked to see what he could trade from his backpack.

 "Um, let's see... I got...." "It's fine I'll pay for it." Kazuma said, "Wait really?" "Yeah, it's the least I can do after helping us with the giant toads." Kazuma said, and so he handed Wiz the money. "Thank you! Oh, one more thing." Midoriya asked, "What is it?" "Can these be turned into gauntlets?" "Yes they can. If you'd like, I can ask Venir when he returns to turn them into gauntlets for you." Wiz said, "Really? That would be great." Midoriya said, 

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