For my Family

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In the illusion....

"YAH!" "HYAH!" Both Goku and Black continued to clash in the air. "Goku and his lookalike are really going at it up there." Luffy said, "Goku's tough, but he can't keep doing this by himself." Asta said, "Noelle, can't you use one of those spells of yours?" Zoro asked, "Right, I just need to get the right angle.... There! Water magic.... Sea dragon's waterball!" Noelle then fired off some waterballs, splashing Black.

 "Seriously?! You just threw water balloons at him?!" "Just because you sound like Captain Yami, doesn't mean you can criticize me like he does!" Noelle shouted, "You'll pay for splashing me with water! Kamehame...." "HA!""No-ARGH!" As Black was distracted, Goku managed to hit his own kamehameha to Black, sending him crashing to the ground. 

"Now Luffy!" "Right! Gum-Gum.... Slingshot!" Luffy wrapped his arms around two lamp polls, pulled himself back and flung himself forward nailing a headbutt to Black's stomach. "Ack!" "My turn.... One sword style.... Lion's strike!" "What was that....ARGH!" As Zoro appeared behind him, Black felt a giant slash pierce his body. 

"I need to learn those kinda attacks for my swords." Asta said, "We're not done yet, Asta. Water creation magic.... Sea Dragon's Roar!" "Ah.... uh.... Argh!" Black was then hit by the large attack, being sent away. "We did it!" Asta said, "No, he's coming back. You guys stay back this time. Black is mine." Goku said, "Hey, we can keep going." "Yeah, we can help finish-." "No! I may not be one to hold grudges, but with him is an exception. Black is mine and that's final." Goku said, turning super saiyan. 

"Hey, we're here because you wanted backup. So no matter what, we're-." "You don't know what Black is capable of. So stay outta my way!" Goku shouted, now turning blue as he saw Black getting back to his feet. "Good.... Good! Keep fueling me with your rage, Goku! The pain you give me only makes me strong-GAH!" "Shut. up!" Goku shouted as he punched Black. "You're gonna pay for what you did!" Goku shouted,

 "We'll see about that. Ha!" "Ack! Uh...." Goku went in for another attack, but Black managed to pierce through him with his ki saber. "Goku! Alright, I'm not standing back anymore!" Asta said as he charged forward, "You got that right, kid!" Zoro said, running behind him. "Hey Black! Time to fight us!" Asta shouted, "Stand back, kid. Three sword style....Oni Giri!" "Argh!" "Bull Thrust!" "Ack!" "Don't leave us outta this too! Gum-Gum.... Bullet!" "GAH!" "This should do it. Water creation magic.... Sea Dragon's Roar!" "Damn it!" Back was then sent through multiple buildings.

 "Goku, hang on." Asta said as he and Luffy helped him to his feet. "I thought I told you not to get in my way." Goku said, "And watch you get beat up? Hell no!" Asta said, "Listen Goku, if you think that we can't be of much help, then you're wrong. We can help-." "That's not it!" Goku shouted, "Then what is it?" "I'm not one to really hold a grudge. But I can't forgive that bastard for what he did!" Goku said,

 "You said he stole your body in another timeline right? But I don't think that's a lot to hold a grudge on." Noelle said, "No, that's not why." "Then tell us." Luffy said, "After he stole my body, he killed me. But that's not the reason for hating him." Goku then recalled what Black had said to him when they fought in Trunks' future.

 ["What about ChiChi and Goten?" "Surely you know what happened.... After I struck you down, I had to finish the cleansing." "AH!"] "He stole my body.... He took my life.... Then he killed ChiChi and Goten. And for that.... He's gonna pay!" Goku said, ki exploding out of him. 

"You're right. He will pay. But, you can't do this alone." Luffy said, "The captain's right. You said that you wanted us here to help you. Because you said we were all strong warriors. So let us help you beat this bastard." Zoro said, "YEAH! We can do this!" Asta said, Noelle nodding in agreement. "Uh? Ok, I'll set him up. You guys get ready." Goku said as they could see a figure getting up in the distance.

 "YAH!" Goku exploded into kaioken blue and dashed forward, clashing with Black once again. "You'll pay!" "We'll see about-ACK!" "This one's for Chichi!" Goku shouted as he slammed Black to the ground. "And this is for Goten! HA!" Goku appeared behind Black and sent him flying forward towards the others. 

"Here he comes, Zoro." Asta said, "You said you wanted to learn some of my techniques? Follow my lead." Zoro said, taking out one sword. "Oh yeah! Let's do this!" Asta said, getting out his big sword. "One sword style...." "ONE SWORD STYLE!" Asta shouted, the two waiting for Black to get closer. Then the two appeared behind him. 

"Lion's stri-." "LION'S STRIKE!" "Maybe tone it back a bit." Zoro said, "GARH!" Black shouted as blood gushed out in numerous places. "My turn! Gum-Gum.... Gatling!" "AH! ACK! OOF! OW! GAH!" Luffy managed to land multiple hits on Black.

 "I hope I have enough mana left.... Water creation magic.... Sea Dragon's...." "KAMEHAME...." Goku then appeared beside Noelle. "ROAR!" "HA!" The combined attack struck Black, who then crashed and made a building collapse onto him. 

"Pant-pant-pant.... I think that did it." Noelle said, "Yeah, I'm not sensing anything-?!" "Suddenly, everyone began to feel a rumbling around the whole city. "What's going on?!" Asta said, "I don't know!" Goku answered.

Outside the illusion....

"What's going on in there, Gloxinia?" King asked, "The illusion is starting to change." "So you mean they're going to someplace else?" Elizabeth asked, "As I told Diane, their fight didn't even begin yet, in this illusion." Gloxinia answered, "So what you're saying is...."

Back in the illusion....

A giant light shot to the sky, "What is that light?" Noelle asked, "Hrr.... uh?! I think I know...." Goku said, backing up a bit. The group could then see a figure emerging from the bright light ["Their true fight has begun." Merlin said.]. "Goku, what's going on? Who is that?" Asta asked, "My form is justice. And my form is the world. Worship me. Give praise unto me. Me, the beautiful. The sublime. Me the invincible. The all mighty and divine.... All hail, Zamasu."

To be continued....

Elizabeth: Everyone! I was thinking.... There's something I really would like to try with you all!

Robin: And what would that be?

Elizabeth: It might be fun for all of us to have some tea and just get to know one another!

Aqua: Oh heck yeah! That sounds like a "girl's night out!"

Charmy: I don't think we're all normal girls though....

Robin: It sounds like a fun idea. Why don't we have a "girl's night out?"

Charmy: Sure! Just let my sheep chefs make some delicious food first!

Aqua: That sounds awesome! I can't wait to do this!

Elizabeth: By the way....

Robin/Aqua/Charmy: Huh?

Elizabeth: Um.... What exactly is a girl's night out?

Charmy: There's too much talking! I don't know what's going on~!

Aqua: I'm clueless here, but I'll just wing it and pretend to just play along~!

Robin: I'm not experienced enough to really know how to proceed~!

Elizabeth: Starting from zero, let's focus all our powers to succeed~!

Charmy: A half-dwarf, pirate, princess, and goddess.... This is flippin' bizarre~!

Aqua: There doesn't seem to be a way out so looks like it's a stand-off~!

Elizabeth: This is getting too strange~!

Robin: All of us can simply say~!

All four girls: Why not just get along.... And enjoy ourselves in this world together? Our world's are fused somehow, but let's not worry for now! The future of our world's is safe as far as we know! Let's stay calm and just have a good time! Eating delicious foods to get by! These times should be about fun! Sharing our secrets and loves! With one another is what makes it a "girl's night out"! It's not so bad so let's give this a try! Maybe we can plan this every night?! I guess we will see you all next time~! Bye bye~!

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