A fight before All for One! Facing off against the League of Villains!

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On the route to Liones....

"So, what exactly are we in for with these League of Villain guys?" Diane asked, "All of them have quirks that can be a threat. But the ones that I would say to watch out the most for would be Mr. Compress and Tomura." Midoriya said, "Not to mention that that one weird girl can turn into others." Vanessa added, "Oh yeah, you're talkin about Toga, right? She would be a dangerous one. Not only her but that Twice guy too." Kirishima said, "So pretty much we should worry about all of them?" Diane asked,

 "Well.... Yeah." Midoriya said, "But that's just the League. What about All for One?" Diane asked, "I've seen what he can do first hand. Hell, I felt it...." Vanessa said, remembering All for One forcing her to use her magic against her friends. "He can use multiple quirks. Which makes him the biggest threat." Midoriya explained, "But I'm sure we can beat him! I mean, we got the successor to All Might with us!" Kirishima said, gesturing to Midoriya.

 "That's easier said than done. I'm still learning how to control One for All. there's only a certain amount that I can use without breaking my bones." Midoriya said, "Ok, but you were able to do that 1 million percent thing the last time you fought All for One." Kirishima pointed out, "Yeah, but that's because I have these." Midoriya showed the group the gauntlets that Wiz made him. "These can absorb the recoil from the attacks that I do. But that's only for my hands and arms. My legs are a different story." Midoriya explained, 

"Don't worry! With us I'm sure we'll be able to beat him." Diane said, the four continuing to walk for a while. Soon enough, they arrived at the gates of Liones at dusk. "This is it.... Once we head in, there's no turning back." Midoriya said, "We got this, Midoriya. Don't worry." Kirishima said, placing a hand on Midoriya's shoulder. "Ok, let's go." Midoriya said as the four walked into the kingdom. Once inside, they saw many homes and buildings on fire and destroyed. "Damn.... They really did a number on this place." Kirishima said,

 "Uh?! Guys." Vanessa stopped them as off in the distance, were the League. "Welcome, Young Midoriya. We've been expecting you." All for One said, "Wait, you knew we were coming?" Midoriya asked, "Frieza told us that one of his men blabbed about what we were doing. And that you and a few other groups were going to defeat us." All for One said, ["So, Frieza lied to him? I shouldn't be that surprised."] Midoriya thought to himself. 

"What happened to the Holy knights?! They should've-." "Oh they weren't that big of a threat to me. But maybe I'll get into that later..." All for One said, cutting off Diane. Sure enough, the projection began to appear. "It is time for battle it appears." All for One said, "Yeah, guess it is." Midoriya said as he and his group got into their fighting stances.

 "Hm.... Well then, the true fight between good and evil is about to begin." All for One said, "We've got this, Midoriya." Kirishima said, "Let us see if you can defeat my League of Villains.... Young Midoriya. Heh heh heh...." That's when All for One used Air Walk and flew back away from the others. "You can face me if you can beat them." All for One called out. "Alright then.... Let's do this." Midoriya said, "Yeah.... Let's."  Dabi quickly shot forward a burst of flames.

 "I don't think so! Ha!" Diane raised her arms as she made a wall from the ground. "Ha ha ha! That won't stop us!" Toga shouted as she, Twice, and Compress jumped over the wall. "But maybe I can separate you. Thread magic-dancing doll!" Vanessa moved her body to the right, and Toga felt something tugging her wrists and ankles. The next thing she knows, she slams into Compress as the two fell to the ground.

 "Ow! What the-?!" "Got ya! HYAH!" Kirishima then delivered an uppercut to Toga's face. "ARGH!" "Toga! Ack!" "You're dealing with me right now!" Diane said as she grabbed Twice and punched him in the gut. "I got the green haired brat!" Spinner took out his sword and shot forward towards Midoriya. "You idiot, don't-." "One for All.... 20%.... Delaware smash.... Air force!" Midoriya shot out a blast of compressed air, sending Spinner flying back. "Dabi-." 

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