Medusa's full on attack! Quick! Dispel the barrier, Aqua!

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"Yah!" "Ha!" Both Goku and Maka continued to attack Medusa after Medusa. "Damn, how many more of these are there going to be?!" Soul shouted, "Just keep hanging in there." Maka said as she slashed through another Medusa. "Yah! Yah!" Goku continued to punch and kick more Medusa, occasionally trying to fire ki blasts, but it still didn't work. "Look at those two. Hm hm hm. They'll soon be weared down to the point where it will be easy to kill them." Medusa was hiding out with the mage inside one of the houses. 

"What about the blue haired girl?" The mage asked, "Oh yes, her.... I suppose I should go and deal with her. How many more before you run out?" Medusa asked, "I would about eight more." The mage said, "Use your spell once again." Medusa said, "I won't be able to use it soon. I'm burning through mana like crazy." The mage said, a bit irritated. "Do as much as you can. I'll be back in no time." The mage nodded as he created even more mirror images of Medusa. "Come on, come on! I'm almost there!" Aqua was running through the alleys, trying to get to her friends without being seen. "Almost there-oof!" Aqua then bumped into something and fell on the floor.

 "Ow.... huh? AH!" Aqua looked up to see Medusa standing over her. "Where do you think you're going?" Medusa asked with a smile. "Y-You can't be right here, right?! You're just another one of those fakes?" "Oh believe me. I'm all too real." Medusa said as arrows began to surround her. "Now let's see how much you blee-." "Create water!" Aqua shot forward some water, spraying Medusa in the face. "What the-?! Was that seriously it-?! Where'd she go?" Medusa noticed that Aqua had disappeared and began looking for her.

 "I know you couldn't have gone that far." Medusa said, still looking around. In a barrel. ["AAAAHHHH! What am I going to do?! I can't beat her! If only I could stop the barrier-?! Wait a minute.... I can dispel the barrier!"] Aqua thought as it dawned on her that she could use sacred dispel. ["I just need to touch the barrier and it'll be done."] Aqua peaked out from her barrel and noticed that a couple of yards away was a part of the barrier. 

["Come on.... Just give up and leave...."] Aqua thought, "Damn it.... I don't have time for this.... Oh well, it's not like she'll be too much trouble." Medusa said as she noticed that her mirror images were decreasing fast. "Vector plate...." Medusa then shot out of the alley and joined the fight once again. "Phew.... Alright, here I go!" Aqua got out of the barrel and began to head towards the barrier.

"Vector arrows!" Medusa shot out more arrows at the two. "Maka, look out!" "I got it! Letter U hunt!" Maka slashed Soul in a U motion and shot a U shaped projectile at the arrows. "Here I go!" Goku jumped over Maka and was about to strike Medusa when two more popped up in front of him.

 "Oh crap!" "Vector Arrow!" Goku kicked both mirror images away only to get hit through the shoulder by another arrow. "ARGH!" "Mm Hm hm hm! HA!" Medusa appeared above Goku and kicked him back to the ground. "Gah!" "Goku!" "Maka, six hunt! Now!" Soul said as a few more Medusas shot up behind them. "Rrr.... Number Six hunt!" Maka once again defeated the images. But as she landed on the ground, more appeared all around her.

 ["This isn't good! My Maka needs help!" Spirit shouted.] "They'll keep her busy. Now I can kill you. Seeing as you're the biggest threat of you all." Medusa said, "I'm not scared of you. So bring it!" Goku said, getting into his stance while still holding onto his shoulder. "Hm." 

Back to Aqua.....

"Yes! Almost there-!" "Aqua!" Aqua stopped as she heard a familiar voice. "Huh? That came from the guild." Aqua ran over and saw that the guild also had a barrier around it. "Aqua!" "Luna! Eh?! Holy crap so this is where everyone was?!" Aqua had gone through the barrier and looked into the guild seeing that it was cramped to the bone. "Aqua, that Medusa lady trapped all of us in here. Can you get us all out?" Luna asked, "Hm hm hm! Of course I can! I just need to stop the barrier." Aqua marched back to the barrier and began to glow.

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