Cremation Quirk VS Anti Magic

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As everyone ran off in different directions in order to subdue the chaos, Midoriya had found himself working with Asta and Noelle. "Alright, we managed to take down a few of the Frieza soldiers already." Midoriya said, "I still can't believe that all of what that guy Goku said was really true!" Asta said, " True it is still hard to believe." Noelle said, "I know it's strange, but you get used to it." Midoriya said, recalling the first merging. The three continued to go through the streets, trying to defeat as many mages and Frieza soldiers as they could. 

"Let's head down this alley, it should lead to another part of the city." Noelle said, the three then ran through the alley. The three were half way through when, "I think that's as far as you three will go." The three stopped as a figure stepped out from the shadows. "No way... it's you!" Midoriya was taken aback as Dabi fully entered the light.

 "Wait you know this guy?!" Asta asked, "He's a member of the league of villains. Which means..." "The league is here." Dabi said, "Wait who are-." Before Noelle could finish, Midoriya launched forward trying to land a kick on Dabi. "So, we finally get to fight..." Dabi said as he's confronted by Midoriya, Asta, and Noelle.

 "I won't let you hurt anyone." Midoriya said, entering his full cowl. "I don't know who you are, but if he says you're hurting people, then I'll stop you too!" Asta said, getting his big sword out. "I'll stop you as well." Noelle said, getting her wand out. "Three against one... alright, let's see what you got." Dabi said, gesturing the three to come at him. "[One for all... Shoot style- ST. Louis smash!"]." Midoriya rushed forward trying to land another kick, only to dodge at the last second as Dabi tried to hit him with a huge beam of fire.

 "Holy crap! He's got fire magic!" Asta shouted, "Good, then he's weak to water magic." Noelle said, pointing out her wand. "Water magic... Sea Dragon's waterball!" Noelle summoned three waterballs and fired them off at Dabi. "That won't work. My quirk is more powerful than you think." Dabi shot another fire beam, cutting straight through the water balls and heading straight for Noelle. "Ah..." "Noelle! Asta rushed forward, his sword out. "Wait, I don't think that will-uh?!" Midoriya and Dabi were surprised as the fire seemed to hit the sword, and vanish without burning Asta in the slightest.

 "What the hell?" Dabi didn't know how to respond. "What was that?" Midoriya asked, "Don't worry, my anti magic sword should block whatever magic he's using." Asta said, "["What? How could anti magic work on someone who has a quirk? Could this be an effect from coming to this world? Or can his sword just be that powerful?"]." Midoriya thought to himself. "Alright, you get props for showing me something unexpected. Though, let's see you keep it up!" Dabi began to fire off fireball after fireball at the three. 

"I'll show you I can! YYYYYAAAAHHHH!" Asta began to deflect each of the fireballs. "Keep it up!" Midoriya then leaped up and began to dart from wall to wall. "[Delaware...Smash!"]." Midoriya flicked his finger, sending a force of air towards Dabi, sending him tumbling forward."Noelle, get him!" Midoriya shouted, "Right! Asta, get out of the way!" Noelle shouted, Asta quickly moving to the side. "Water creation magic.... Sea Dragon's Roar!" Noelle fired a giant beam of water straight at Dabi. "I don't think so." Dabi fired a beam of fire, the two colliding. 

"Come on, Noelle! Put some more force into it!" "What do you think I'm trying to do, idiot?!" Noelle shouted at Asta. "Hey Dabi!" "["Crap... I forgot about-."]" "["SMASH!"]" Midoriya landed a kick to Dabi's back, causing him to stop his attack. "[Got you-?!] Huh? Oh man..." Midoriya then realized that he and Dabi were still in the line of Noelle's spell and the two were engulfed by the attack. "Ah! Green hair!" "Oops..." When the spell faded, both Midoriya and Dabi were on the floor, drenched in water.

 "Are you ok, uh-wait you never told us your name." Noelle said as she and Asta rushed over. "Oh right. My name's Izuku Midoriya." Midoriya said as Asta and Noelle helped him up. "Well Izuku, you were great!" Asta said, "Thanks, you guys were too. Now we better do something about-ah?!" Midoriya and the others turned to see Dabi being sunk into a portal underneath him. "Good fight... we'll have to continue next time." Dabi said, 

"You won't get away so easily!" Asta took out his sword and was about to cancel out the portal when Dabi used his quirk to spread fire around him. "See next time...Midoriya..." Was the last thing Dabi said as he left. "Damn it! He got away!" Asta shouted, "At least we were able to beat him." Noelle said with a brush two one of her pigtails. "Yeah... alright, let's get going." Midoriya said, trying to shake off the uneasiness of Dabi knowing his name.

 "You ok?" Asta asked, "Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry." Midoriya said, giving a reassuring smile. "Ok, I think we should head back to regroup with the others." Noelle said, "Yeah, I think they may need some help." Midoriya said, and the three began to head back. "Hey Asta." "What is it?" "After we stop this attack on the capital, mind if I take a look at that sword of yours?" Midoriya asked, "Huh? Oh sure." Asta said, a bit confused but still agreed. "Oh Izuku, mind if I ask you something?" Noelle asked, 

"Yeah, what is it?" "If you're with that Goku guy, does this mean you don't use magic?" Noelle asked, "That's right. Instead of magic, I have something called a quirk, you could call it a superpower." Midoriya explained, "Superpower?" "Right, I don't think you guys have things like comic books or manga here." Midoriya said with a slight chuckle. "Manga?" "Comic books?" Both Noelle and Asta gave him a confused look. 

"I'll explain later." The three soon returned to where Aizawa was. "It seems everyone's managed to keep things under control." Aizawa said as he saw the three return. "Hey you guys found Luck and Charmy." Asta said, "Hey Asta!" Charmy waved as she ate a piece of meat. "Even though you guys came back, there still hasn't been any sign of your captain." Aizawa said, "Captain Yami still isn't here?" "Yeah, and I don't see Vanessa anywhere either." Asta said, 

"I'm sure they'll be fine. We need to keep our attention here." Aizawa said, "Why here-?!" "ARGH!" Before Noelle could finish, Vegeta struck the floor. "He's why." Midoriya and the other students got into their fighting stances as they could see Frieza and Goku preparing to face off. "We'll what are we waiting for? Let's kick this weirdo's ass!" Magna said,

 "Right!" The rest of the Black Bulls said as they readied their grimoires. "Hold on." Aizawa then stepped in front of the two groups. "Don't attack until I say so." "What?! Come on, I wanna kick that alien's ass-." "I don't want any of you severely injured. So let those two fight for now. We'll attack when I know it's ok." Aizawa said, "Maybe if Yami were here, he could help turn the tables." Finral said, "Maybe, but we don't know where he is." Noelle said.

In another part of the capital.... 

"So... you're the one giving off that evil ki energy." Yami said, "I'm surprised that you were able to find me so easily." "Captain... Who-hiccup-is this guy?" Vanessa asked, still buzzed from drinking a lot. "Young Lady, you may call me, All For One."

 "All For One? Stupid name if you ask me." Yami said, "Now that I have made my introduction. Let us begin our fight." All For One said as he began to power up. "That's fine by me. But just to let you know, I'm not gonna be easy to take down." Yami said as he drew his sword. "Funny.... I was about to say the same thing to you...." 

To be continued...

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