Crusher ball assault

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"You're mine!" Jeice said as he rushed forward and grabbed both Uraraka and Kirishima. "You two get to face me." Jeice then threw the two, making them crash to the floor. "This guy shouldn't be too tough right? I mean he's practically our size." Kirishima said, "Oi, just because I'm short doesn't mean I don't pack a punch." Jeice said as he began to charge up an attack. 

"Try blocking my Crusher ball!" Jeice threw the red energy ball at the two. "Get behind me, Uraraka!" Kirishima hardened his body and took the damage of the crusher ball. "Argh!" "Kirishima!" Uraraka was about to check on him but, "I'm fine. If I can handle Vegeta's punches I can handle this." Kirishima said as he tried to shrug off the attack. 

"Are you sure you're ok?" "If he says he's fine then he's fine. Now come on and fight."Jeice said, "We're both good at close ranged combat. So we'll need to rush him at the same time." Kirishima suggested, "Right." The two ran at Jeice with Kirishima taking the lead. "Got ya!" Kirishima threw a punch, but Jeice caught it. "Don't think som mate. Yah!" Jeice grabbed Kirishima's arm, swung him around and threw him into Uraraka. "Ah?! Uraraka, are you ok?!" "I'm fine. Man, that didn't work." Uraraka said as she rubbed her head. 

"How about you go in for the punch while I absorb the attacks?" Kirishima suggested, "Ok, let's try it." The two began to rush Jeice again. "Come on now. You two really trying that again? Your funeral then. Crusher ball!" Jeice fired another Crusher ball at the two "I got it!" Kirishima hardened his body once again and absorbed the attack. "Huh? Ok try some energy blasts!" Jeice began to fire ki blasts at Kirishima as the two continued to get closer. "Rrrr! No, I'm not giving up!" Kirishima said, "We're almost there!" Uraraka added, 

"Why won't you just fall?!" Jeice said, "Now Uraraka!" Uraraka jumped over Kirishima, grabbed Jeice by the shoulders and threw him to the ground. "Ow!" "Got you-Ah!" Jeice immediately fied a ki blast at Uraraka and sent her a few feet away. "Uraraka!" "You're not going anywhere, Mate." Jeice moved in front of Kirishima and punched him back. "Ack! You want to fight that badly? Fine, come at me then." Kirishima said as he gestured for Jeice to attack. "Just know that you asked for it." Jeice began to charge up two Crusher balls. 

"That won't work this time... Red Riot..." "Take this!" Jeice began to throw an onslaught of Crusher balls at Kirishima. "Unbreakable!" The Crusher balls began to hit Kirishima dead on. "Rrrr...! I won't... let this hurt me!" Kirishima began to rush through the barrage of crusher balls and right at Jeice. "Wait, what-Argh!" Kirishima managed to land a punch to Jeice's face. "Ow! Bloody hell that stung!" Jeice said, "Uraraka! Are you ok?!" Kirishima asked as he knelt down to help her up. "Ah... yeah, I'm fine." Uraraka said with a faint smile. 

"Okay, time to end this!" Jeice began to charge up another Crusher ball, but then, "Huh?Ah!" Recoome crashed into Jeice, sending the two to the ground. "Recoome! Get the hell off me!" Jeice shouted as he struggled to move Recoome off."Ooooo..." Recoome couldn't speak as the wind was knocked out of him. "Nice work, Midoriya." Todoroki said, "Thanks." As the group approached Recoome, Uraraka and Kirishima joined them. 

"You two doing ok?" Jiro asked, "Yeah, thanks for helping." Uraraka said, "It was just a coincidence." Bakugou said, "Still thanks, we were kinda needing some help." Kirishima said, "Damn big oaf!" Jeice said as he pushed Recoome off of him. "Now where were we-?!" Jeice looked and saw that he was now facing the seven kids. "This... isn't good." Jeice prepared to fight off the seven kids, when, "You're done!" Vegeta had grabbed Burter and threw him to the ground and landed on Jeice.

 "Oooo... not again..." Jeice said, "Damn it! Men, I thought you could handle these kids!" Ginyu said as he and Goku paused their fight. "If we're being honest, we kinda just got lucky." Todoroki said, "Lucky or not, it seems that I have to handle everything now." Ginyu said as he flew back down. 

Both Goku and Vegeta did the same, staying in front of the students just in case. "Ok then, let's see if my new power can handle two saiyans at once." Ginyu said, "Careful Vegeta, Ginyu really has gotten stronger." Goku said, "He may be strong. But he's not as strong as Super Saiyan blue! YAH!" Vegeta powered up to blue and made a dash at Ginyu, only to be surprised as Ginyu caught his punch with ease. "Still think I'm not as strong as you?"

To be continued...

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