Race against time

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With Frieza's army fast approaching the Capital, Goku had told his group that they needed to find the rest of the black bulls. The UA students quickly split up to try and find the rest of Yami's squad. "Alright, where to look? They have to be around here somewhere." Midoriya said as he and Uraraka looked around. "I don't know. Hmm..." Uraraka began to walk around the street. "Huh? Deku look!" Uraraka pointed to a boy checking out one of the stands.

 "That has to be one of them. He's wearing a robe like the one that girl described." Uraraka and Midoriya approached the boy. "Excuse me, but are you a black bull?" Midoriya asked, "huh? Yeah I am. Why are you asking?" The boy turned around to be revealed as Magna. "One of your squadmates is trying to gather you all up." Uraraka said, "One... Wait, was he big, serious faced, and Smoking?" Magna asked, "Yeah! That's what he looked like." Midoriya said, 

"Aw crap! Yami's lookin' for us! Alright, where was it that he wanted us to meet up?!" Magna said, "Follow us!" Midoriya said, and Magna ran with them back to the spot where Goku was waiting. "Let's see, where could the black bulls be around here?" Jiro asked as she and Yaoyorozu looked around a fountain area. "They could be anywhere. Wait, I think I see one of them." Yaoyorozu said as she walked over to another young man.

 "Pardon me but, are you with the Black Bulls?" Yaoyorozu asked, "Ah yes, yes I am. Let me guess, you wanted an autograph or perhaps a date with me?" Finral asked, "Huh?! A date?! I-I." Yaoyorozu began to get flustered after hearing him say that. "Yao-Momo, calm down." Jiro said, then looked at Finral. "She doesn't want a date with you, idiot." "Oh.... then what is it?" Finral asked, "A big guy with the same robe as you wanted all the black bulls together." Jiro said, still trying to calm Yaoyorozu down.

 "Big guy...?! Did he look scary?" Finral asked, "Not really, but he ran off looking for you guys too." Jiro said, "Ahh....["Damn it! I was hoping these girls wanted a date with me! Not having them be Yami's messengers!"] Take me to Yami..." Finral said as he followed the two girls. "Those black bull guys are gonna be hard to find in a place as big as this!" Kirishima said as he and Bakugou ran down one of the streets.

 "Up ahead, that blue haired girl and creepy lookin' guy." Bakugou said as he noticed Gray and gordon. "Oh yeah! Hey! You two black bulls?!" Kirishima shouted as they ran towards them. "Waah! Ahh... Y-yeah we are...! Uh, please don't look at me!" Gray said as she covered her face. "Is there something you needed?" Gordon asked, 

"The hell did you just say?! Speak up!" Bakugou shouted, "W-was there a reason y-you were looking for u-us?" Gray asked nervously, "Oh right, this guy wanted us to gather you guys up. Said there was an emergency." Kirishima said, "I-it must be Ca-captain Yami. He needs us." Gray said, looking at Gordon.

 "Then let's get going." Gordon said, "Speak up you damn creep!" Bakugou shouted, "Ah! I-I think he was trying to say, let's go." Gray said, scared by Bakugou's angry looking face. "Right, let's get going." Kirishima said and the four began to head back to the spot. "Do you know where your squadmates might be?" Todoroki asked Asta and Noelle. "Honestly, they could be anywhere doing their own stuff." Noelle said, "I bet I know where Gauche is." Asta said, "And where might that be?" Asta then led Todoroki and Noelle to a toy shop. 

"A toy shop?" "Right, he must be buying things for his little sister." Noelle said, the three then entered the toy store. "There he is!" Asta said as he saw Gauche paying for some toys. "Gauche! Hey!" Asta waved him over. "What do you want? Can't you see I'm trying to buy some toys for my precious little Marie?" Gauche said, then he began to squish Asta's face. 

"Wait, I know why you're here. You're trying to get stuff for Marie so she can love you more than me! ["I'm gonna marry him." Marie said with a smile.] I won't let you steal Marie's affection from me!" Gauche shouted as his nose began to bleed. "I'm not trying to do that! We're here because it's an emergency." Asta said while his face was being squished. "What emergency?" Gauche asked, letting go of Asta. "There's going to be an assault on the Capital. Captain Yami wants us all together." Noelle said. Gauche looked at all the toys that he just bought. 

"Sigh.... I'll be back for the toys." Gauche said, leaving the toys with the cashier and went with the others back to the spot. When they returned, they saw that most of the black bulls were there as well. "Guys!" Asta then ran over to greet the others. "Sup Rasta! These guys just filled us in on what was going on." Magna said, "Is this everyone?" Aizawa asked, "No we're still missing three of our squadmates." Finral said, "Alright you guys, did you find everyone-?! Damn it... all of you still aren't here." Yami said as he returned too. 

"Maybe we still have time to-." "Sorry, but they'll just need to join the fight when they can." Goku said, "What? What do you-?!" Noelle stopped as everyone began to notice a giant shadow starting to loom over the city. "He's here." Vegeta said, "Ho ho ho! Right you are Vegeta!" The group looked up to see Frieza standing on the roof of a tall house. "Let me guess. You're here for the dragon ball?" Goku said, "Among other things..." Frieza said as he smiled maliciously at them. "We're gonna stop you, you know." Goku said, getting into his fighting stance. 

"We'll see about that." Frieza then began to raise his arm. He then pointed towards the Capital. "Now." Once Frieza said this, the entire army flew straight towards the Capital and began their attack. "Here they come!" Goku was about to go for an attack, when Vegeta flew straight past him. "You're mine, Frieza!" Vegeta shouted as he flew straight at him. "There's too many!" Uraraka said, "We'll need to split up to cover more ground." Noelle said,

 "That's fine by me!" Bakugou shouted as he blasted off in one direction. "Bakugou-and he's gone..." Kirishima said, "I think it's best if some of you team with the black bulls." Aizawa suggested, "Right!" The two groups got together and began to sort themselves into smaller groups. As they were doing this, Yami began to feel some strange energy. ["What the hell? What's with that strange ki? Better check this out."] Yami thought as he slipped away.

 "Alright, let's get going. Captain Yami are you gonna-?! Captain Yami?" The black bulls looked around and noticed that Yami had disappeared. "Don't worry about him for now. We have a Capital to save." Aizawa said, the two groups agreed and broke off into small groups and headed off in different directions, with Gray and Todoroki staying behind to help Aizawa. 

"Die bastards!" Bakugou shouted as he continued to defeat mages and low class frieza soldiers. "Come on! You guys aren't even a challenge!" Bakugou said, "Perhaps I will be a challenge for you!" "And me!" "And me!" "And me!" Bakugou turned around to see Twice with a load of his dopplegangers. "You... heh, guess you'll do." Bakugou said as he made little explosions in his hands. "Let's see what you got, damn doppelganger..."

To be continued...

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