Searching for the Going Merry!/ The alliance comes face-to-face with Eneru!

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"So how'd you get a ship all the way up into the sky?" Maka asked, "We used a giant geyser to get here. And let me tell you, me and my friends already got into a lot of trouble here." Luffy said with a smile. "So what are your friends like?" Asta asked, "Oh man they're amazing. Zoro's trying to become the best swordsman in the world. Usopp's trying to become really brave and he's our engineer. Robin is our archeologist and she's really calm and nice. Chopper is our doctor, he's always looking out for our health. Sanji's our cook, and boy does he make soooo much good food!" Luffy said,

 "What about that Nami person you told us about?" Darkness asked, "Oh yeah! Nami's our navigator. She's trying to draw a map of the entire ocean. She also loves money and treasure. She can come off as angry and selfish, but she's really nice and does worry about the whole team." Luffy said as they continued to walk. "Is it me or did he talk more about this Nami girl more than his other crewmates?" Vanessa whispered to Darkness. 

"I picked up on that too." The group continued to walk when they could hear a fight breaking out. "That's coming from up ahead. Let's check it out." Goku said as the group ran towards the sound. "Ha ha! You can't beat the two of us! Right, Hotori?" "Ah~! Right, Kotori!" "It's the Going Merry! And it's under attack!" Luffy said, "Hang on, I'll get you there!" Goku said as he picked up Luffy and flew forward. "Ah! Sanji, Usopp, please get up!" Nami said as she, Gan Fall and Asia were cornered. 

"It's time to die-?!" "Nami!" "Huh? That sounds like-?! Luffy?!" Nami looked up to see Luffy and Goku. "Guess what, I made some new friends!" "Not now, beat them first!" Nami shouted, "Right!" Luffy jumped down and landed in front of the two brothers. "Hey you guys look like-." "You were the one who killed our brother!" "You will pay!" The two brothers said, "Let me take it from here, if that's alright?" Goku asked,

 "Huh? Who are you?" "Show them what you got, Goku!" Luffy said, "Ka.... me.... Ha.... me...."Goku began to charge up his attack, turning blue. "Woah, I didn't know he could do that." "Luffy, what's going on?" "HA!" Goku fired the beam and instantly blew away the two brothers far, far into the distance. "Cool!" Luffy said, the rest of Goku's group getting on the ship. "My word, who are all of you.?" Gan Fall asked,

 "Yeah, Luffy! Who are these people? And what happened to the others?!" Nami asked, "Hold that thought. Your friends over here don't look good." Goku said, "I know. Eneru paid us a visit." Nami said, "He was here and did this to Sanji and Usopp? He's gonna pay for hurting my friends." Luffy said, "The thing is, without Chopper, I don't know how to tend to them." Nami said, "Aqua, can't you heal them?" Midoriya asked, "I...uh... I." "Aqua, please?" Darkness asked, "Sigh.... Stand back. I'll need room." Aqua said as she walked over and began to heal the two.

 "Woah.... Is she really healing them?" Aisa asked, "Yup! So, I guess we should introduce ourselves. I'm Goku and this is Vegeta." "My name is Izuku Midoriya." "I'm Asta!" "Finral." "Hey, I'm Vanessa!" "I'm Maka and this is Soul." "My name is Darkness and that over there is Aqua." "Her name isn't really Darkness, it's-." "I told you not to bring that up!" Darkness shouted, turning red. "Wait, your name isn't actually Darkness?" Asta asked, 

"Sigh.... Yes. my true name is Lalatina Dustiness Ford." Once saying that, Darkness could hear Aqua, Finral, and Luffy snicker. "Don't laugh!" Darkness said, "Ok, I got your names, but I still need to know what the hell is going on?" Nami said, "Right, we should really explain ourselves." Goku would then tell Nami the entire thing. "What?! Multiple worlds? Villains teaming up? That's a lot to take in." "Tell me about it, I just woke up and that was a lot...." Usopp said as he and Sanji got up. "Hey, you sound like my best friend, Krillin." Goku said, 

"Are you guys ok?" Nami asked, "Yeah, still a little sore but good." Sanji said, ["The hell? That other boy sounds like Trunks."] Vegeta thought, "Sigh, I healed you guys to the point to where you can walk around. But I wouldn't try fighting." Aqua said, "I still can't believe you and the others got seperated." Nami said, "Sorry!" Luffy said with a smile. "Sigh, and you guys need help finding this dragon ball thing?" "Yeah, it's kind of a big deal to get it." Goku said, "Well, I can't speak for Luffy, but.... I'll need some payment." Nami said with a sly smile.

 "We don't have money. But you have to understand that if we don't find all the dragon balls, then Frieza and his alliance will use them to wreak havoc on all of our worlds." Darkness said, "Still-?" "Luffy said as much as you're money hungry and selfish, deep down you're a good person. So I'm asking from one good person to another, please help us." Goku said, extending his hand. ["Luffy said all of that about me?"] Nami looked at Luffy, who was messing around with Usopp. She then looked back at Goku.

 "Right, you can count on us to help you." Nami said, shaking Goku's hand. "Alright! But first we should find the others first." Luffy said, "They could be anywhere though." Nami said, "Maybe I can find them." Goku said, the others looked at him. "Oh right, you can use your instant transmission to get to anyone." Midoriya said, 

"Instant transmission? What's that?" Usopp asked, "It's a technique I learned. I can hone in on someone's energy and transport to them. There is a problem though." "What is it?" Vanessa asked, "I don't know what Luffy's friends' energies are like. So I may end up having to guess. There are a lot of energies in this whole place." Goku explained,

 "Hmmm.... I got it!" "What is it, Izuku?" Goku asked, "Luffy described his friends to us. So maybe try finding energies similar to that. Like Robin, Luffy said she's calm and nice. Try searching for an energy like that." Midoriya explained, "Right, that may work...." Goku said as he began to focus. "Uh?! I think I got it! I'll be back!" Goku said as he disappeared.


Eneru sat on his throne, looking at the sky above as he waited for his guests to arrive. "Ah, it seems they are here." Eneru said as a pod flew down, the alliance soon emerging from the pod. "Eneru, I assume?" Frieza asked, "Correct, and I assume you are the ones who wanted to speak with me?" Eneru asked, "How did he know that?" Medusa asked, "I know all, after all, I am God." Eneru said, appearing next to her. "Uh?!" Medusa startled, stepped back. "I believe you wanted to talk to me about this?" Eneru then held up the dragon ball.

 "So you do have the dragon ball?" Frieza said, surprised. "Now then, what are you going to say that will make me give this to you?" Eneru asked with a coy smile. "Perhaps if we explain a little bit about what we plan to do-." "Oh I know more or less what you are doing." Eneru said as he cut off All for One. "Oh? Do tell us then." Licht said,

 "You want to bring pure chaos to these, multiple worlds. And you need this to do it." Eneru said as he examined the ball. "That may be my goal, but that's only for my world." Medusa said, "Correct, we all have different objectives, though we banded together through a common object that we need to achieve them." All for One said, "Really, that's not what the man, I believe he called himself Goku, said to a few people that are on my island." Eneru said, 

"So you met the saiyan? I wasn't expecting to hear that." Frieza said, "Oh I haven't met him. Only, heard him...." Eneru said, "May you tell us what you mean?" Licht asked, "I am able to sense what people are doing and can hear what they are saying." Eneru said, dancing around his actual powers. "I see.... Well then, I assume you are aware about who is coming to fight you for the dragon ball in your possession?" Frieza said, 

"Correct. Though I will be more than enough to handle them." "Oh I'm not so sure. Goku has proven to be a massive problem." Frieza said, "Then are you saying that you will aid me?" Eneru asked, "For a small price. My allies and I will help, but we ask that you join us and give us the dragon ball." Frieza said, "Trust us, if you hand over the dragon ball, we will be able to help you achieve what you want most of all." All for One said,

 "What I want most...." Eneru thought for a moment. "If I give you this and help you, will you be able to send me to Vearth?" Eneru asked, "I guarantee that the dragon balls will be able to grant that wish." Frieza said, "Very well then." Eneru then walked back to his throne and sat down. "Allow me to tell you who exactly is going to come for the dragon ball.... Friends." Eneru said, the alliance gathering around to listen.

" Eneru said, the alliance gathering around to listen

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