The search for the dragon ball! A run in with Zarbon and Dodoria!

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"Man, I can't believe that we have so many people helping us out this time." Goku said as he and Vegeta flew around a forest area. "Hmph, honestly I would prefer that we'd do it ourselves." "Oh come on, Vegeta. Aren't there some people that we've met that you're glad are helping." Goku asked, "No there isn't." Vegeta said without a second thought. "Really? Not even from the first time?" "If you think I'm going to say that red headed she-devil, you're wrong." Vegeta said, the two now landing. 

"Well, I'm just glad that I get to see Meliodas again. We never did see which one of us would win in a fight." Goku said, "Alright, let's get back on track. The radar said that the dragon ball was around here, right?" Vegeta asked, "Hmm.... yup! It should be somewhere here." Goku said, and so the two began to search the area. "Damn it, where the hell is that-?" Vegeta began to hear two voices in the distance. "Who else would be out-? No.... don't tell me." Vegeta quietly walked towards the voices and hid behind a tree. "The dragon ball should be around here. Keeping searching." "Don't tell me what to do." There was Zarbon and Dodoria, searching the area as well. 

["Oh no.... If they find the dragon ball-!"] Vegeta quickly returned to Goku. "Hide your power level, now!" Vegeta said, "What? Why, what's going-." "Zarbon and Dodoria are looking for the dragon ball as well. We can't draw their attention." Vegeta said, "Uh?! Right." Goku then hid his power level as well. "Hm?" "What is it, Dodoria?" Zarbon asked, "I thought my scouter picked up another power level for a minute, but it seems I was wrong." Dodoria said as he checked his scouter. "Hm.... keep your guard up. Vegeta and those other people could be here. They might not be able to sense us, but they are able to hide their power levels." "Right, we're both at a disadvantage." Dodoria said as they continued to look. 

The two groups continued to search for a while. "I think we're close. The radar's pointing up there." Goku said, pointing in front of them. "Right, let's go quickly." The two made their way, only to have to hide. "Crap.... They're there." Vegeta said under his breath. "The orb should be in this spot." Dodoria said, "Right, let's start looking." Zarbon said, the two began to look around. "Damn, what do we do now?" Goku asked, "Sigh, we'll wait until they find the dragon ball. Once they do, I'll attack one of them. You get the other." Vegeta whispered, to which Goku nodded.

 "Aha! I got it." Dodoria said, "Alright, ready?" Vegeta asked, "Yeah." "Alright.... Here we go!" "What-?! Argh!" Vegeta bursted into SSB and Rammed into Dodoria and followed in pursuit. "Vegeta?!" "Hey! You're fighting me! YAH!" Goku went SSB Kaioken and rushed Zarbon. "So, you think you can take the dragon ball?" Zarbon asked as he easily blocked Goku's punches. " Oh I'm pretty sure we can. I mean, you're not the one holding it, right?" Goku said with a smirk. "Uh? Oh no." Meanwhile, Dodoria was continuously being sent flying back as Vegeta wouldn't give him a chance to counter. 

"What's wrong, Dodoria?! Am I too much?!" Vegeta shouted as he continued to punch him. "Rrrr...! Enough!" Dodoria managed to charge up an energy blast and nailed Vegeta. "Now it's my turn! Maximum.... Buster!" Dodoria launched a big energy sphere straight at Vegeta. "Think that'll stop me?! Big Bang Attack!" Vegeta countered with his own and the two attacks canceled out. As the two blocked the aftershock of the attack, Vegeta looked to see they were near the city already. ["Crap, I need to get him away-?!" Vegeta then noticed that Dodoria was gone. "What the-where'd he-?!" "Looking for me, Vegeta?" Dodoria appeared behind him and punched Vegeta in the back with all his force. 

"Ack!" The power of the punch sent Vegeta closer to West City. "Now you'll die!" Dodoria quickly charged his energy cannon and sent Vegeta straight into a building, Dodoria following suit. "Yah!" "Ha!" Both Goku and Zarbon continued to go blow for blow. "All that training you did has really paid off. I'm surprised you're this good." Goku said, "Hm, believe me, if you were on Namek while I was still around, I would have killed you then as well." Zarbon said, "Heh heh heh. Really? Then I guess it's good I wasn't." Goku said, at this point, the two had stopped fighting. "Well, it was fun chatting, but it's time we end this." Zarbon said, "Yeah, I agree." Goku said, beginning to charge up his Kamehameha. 

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