I will lend you my aid, Young Midoriya! The double Detroit Smash decides it!

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A little while ago....

Goku and his group were watching what was going on at Aqua's house. "They're getting creamed out there!" Aqua shouted as they watched Midoriya and his group fight All for One. "They need help." Maka said, "We can't interfere. It's too risky." Goku said, "But if someone doesn't, then...." ["ACK!" Diane was then taken out by All for One.] "Come on, Goku. we can't just stand here and do nothing!" Soul said, "I know! Just give me some time to think!" As he said this, All for One took out Kirishima next. "It's now down to Izuku." Darkness said, 

"He can't put much power into his right arm now that his gauntlet is gone." Wiz added, ["Come on! There's gotta be something we can do! Think! No one came to help the others when they fought-?! Accept those magic knights! Nothing happened when they got involved so.... Maybe I can send someone to help! But who...?"] Goku thought to himself as he continued to watch Midoriya fight All for One. "I got it!" Everyone looked at him. 

"What?" "I think I know someone who can help. Someone All Might told me about the last time we talked.... ["You're lucky. Not that many of us can say that our master is still alive." Toshinori said, "What do you mean?" "My master, the one who gave me One for All, sadly died. It's a shame really, I'm sure she would've loved to meet the new successor to One for All." Toshinori said as the two watched Midoriya talking with some of the others. 

"I guess I would be the same way if Master Roshi couldn't have met Gohan and Goten. But with Otherworld, I'm sure that he would've been able to." Goku said, "Our world doesn't have the luxury of that." "Say, what was your master's name?" Goku asked, "Her name was, Nana Shimura." "Nice name. Hey, maybe there is a chance that you could see her again." "What do you mean?" Toshinori asked, 

"With our worlds merged, there's a lot that could be done. Who's to say that we meet her?" "If that's true. It would be nice to see her, one last time."] Now that I know that Otherworld is connected to all of your worlds, then maybe.... I'll be back!" Goku then instant transmissioned to King Yemma.

In Otherworld....

"Goku! What are you doing here?!" Yemma asked, "I need to know if someone named, Nana Shimura, is here?" Goku asked, "Nana Shimura? Let's see.... Ah, yes she is where all great warriors in Otherworld resign. Why are you asking?" "Get her for me, I'm gonna go see Baba right now." "Hey wait-! Not even a please...." Yemma said as Goku left.

In Baba's home....

"You want me to let some have a 24 hour pass? Just like that?" Baba asked, "Please Baba, we don't have much time." Goku said, "You know that I require payment right?" "I'll pay you later. Just please do this!" Goku begged. "All right.... Wait a moment while I go get this, Nana Shimura." Baba said as she left. After a minute, a figure began to manifest in front of Goku. "There you are." Baba said,

 "So, you're Nana, right?" Goku asked, Nana opened her eyes then looked above her to see that she had a halo floating above her head. "So.... How can I help?" Goku then explained what was going on. "I see.... You can count on me." Nana said, "You'd better hurry. That young boy isn't faring too well." Baba said as she watched the fight. "Take me to him." Nana said, "Right, put your hand on my shoulder." Nana did so and Goku focused in on Vanessa's weak energy.

Back in Liones....

"Ok, this is as far as I can go. You sure you can do the rest?" "Positive." "Alright, I'll leave you to it then." Goku then returned to Aqua and the others. "And so ends the legacy of One for All." "Not if I can help it..." Nana rushed forward towards the two. ["I can't.... Move anymore.... I'm sorry All Might.... I'm sorry Mom...."] Midoriya teared up as he waited for All for One to deliver the finishing blow. "HA! What?!" All for One slammed his fist to the ground, then saw that no one was there. "Mmmm...." "Are you ok?" "Huh?" 

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