An invasion?! The Alliance prepares to strike!

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The alliance were surprised by Frieza's suggestion. "An invasion? Why that of all things?" Medusa asked, "I am curious about this decision as well. Wasn't the objective to obtain the dragon balls without being noticed?" All for One asked, "True, but at this point. All the dragon balls have been collected. Us having three while Goku and his comrades have the other four." "So what you're saying is that it's a now or never situation?" Eneru asked, 

"So true. Though, there is one other reason that I would like to do an invasion." "And what would that be?" Licht asked, "What better way to get rid of all our enemies than now? They are all in one place after all." Frieza said, "True, though you are forgetting that a few of our enemies are currently in my world." Zeldris pointed out. 

"They should have the dragon ball by now." Which would mean that they have already returned." "Why not escalate this invasion further?" Eneru asked, "What do you mean?" "We have practically an army at our disposal. Why not just attack all the worlds at once?" Eneru suggested, which led to everyone thinking it over. "True, we do have enough men to attack each world." Licht said, "Frieza, though it pains me to say it, you are the one who made this alliance, so what do you say about this idea?" All for One asked, 

"Oh it's not a bad idea at all. Although, if we are to attack each world our goal should not be just to pass judgement as I believe that is your idea, Eneru?" Frieza pointed out, "Then what say you? What would be your goal?" Eneru asked, "I believe it would be the same goal as many of our comrades here. To conquer their respected world." Frieza said,

 "Though that does sound like us. I still believe that the dragon balls should be our top priority." "As do all of us, Medusa. Though, I know that you simply want chaos. And I believe there is a perfect world for you to do that." Frieza said, garnering Medusa's attention. 

"A world that I haven't had the pleasure of visiting due to recruiting all of you. But it should be easy to take over." "Then tell me. I don't like being teased." Medusa said, "All in due time. But first, are we all in agreement that we should invade?" Frieza asked, "I support the idea, as long as we can attack every world." Eneru said, 

"I agree." All for One added, Licht and Zeldris nodding in agreement. "Well, Medusa? What about you?" Frieza asked, "Hmph. Very well, I suppose." Medusa said, "Good. Licht, how many of your mages can we expect to use?" "A few of them must stay hidden for now. But the rest of the Eye of the Midnight Sun will help."

 "Though I only have a few members of the League left, they will be of great use." "My powers should be enough for you." "The same goes for myself and my arrows." "Monspeet and Derieri should be enough too." "And my Frieza force along with certain individuals will make the rest of our combined forces." Frieza said, "But how will we be able to strike everywhere all at once?" Medusa asked, 

"Licht, your mages are capable of transporting people to places, correct?" "That is correct." "Don't forget, I can use a quirk that will do that as well." All for One pointed out. "That will be useful when we attack. We'll need to get out quickly once we obtain the dragon balls." Frieza said, "That is true." "So, it seems as though we've got everything figured out." Zeldris said, "Not everything." Everyone then looked at All for One.

 "We still need to take into account the possibility that they have the dragon balls in a secure location. Perhaps well enough that your 'scouters' as you call them, won't be able to pick up their signal." All for One explained, "Oh I'm well aware of that. Which is why we're sending in someone." Frieza said, walking out of the room, the others following him. "And who would that be?" Licht asked, "Who else? Her." Frieza looked over to where Toga was eating with the rest of her league members.

 "Ah yes. Though we don't know if Toga still has enough of that Black Bull's blood to transform." All for One pointed out, "Then there's only way to find out. Toga, come here." Frieza said, "Huh? Oh, what is it?" Toga asked, "We would like to know if you still have blood from that girl you stabbed back in the Clover Kingdom." Frieza said, "Oh, you mean that Vanessa girl? Yeah, I have enough left to transform into her for about an hour." Toga explained, 

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