Stop Meliodas at all costs

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On King Kai's planet....

"Oh boy, I can't believe that Goku and everyone else has to go through all of that again...." King Kai said to Bubbles and Gregory. "Well, let's have some grub while we-." ["Goku! Come help us!"] "Huh? That sounded like that Elizabeth girl. What's going on with'em?" King Kai then looked to see what was going on. "Well? What's Happening?" "Ook." Gregory and Bubbles said, "Oh no.... It's Meliodas. He's attacking his teammates. Guess that means it's time." King Kai said, beginning to contact Goku.

At Capsule Corp....

"We still don't have a clue as to what's going on with Meliodas's world." Bulma said, "This is getting pointless. Why don't we just head over there already?" Yami asked, "Meliodas said he would let us know when we can go. And I trust him." Goku said, "We know, even though it looks this way, we don't have the time to keep sitting around." Aizawa said, 

"I know but-?" ["Goku!"] "Huh? King Kai! Alright are you here to tell us that-." "Listen, you need to head to Meliodas's world right now!" "What? Why the sudden urgency?" Vegeta asked, ["Something's happened to Meliodas that's causing him to attack his friends."] "What?!" ["Elizabeth called out to you, asking you to go and help."] King Kai explained, "Right, I'll head over there right now." Goku said, 

"Hold on, aren't you going to need backup?" Midnight asked, "You're right. Meliodas's world is magic based too. Where's Asta?" Goku asked, "He's training with the others." Yami said, the group heading to the outside of Capsule Corp. "Asta! Get over here!" Yami shouted, "Huh? What's up?" Asta asked,

 "I need you to come with me. You're anti magic is gonna come in handy." Goku said, "Right! Let's go then!.... Where are we going?!" Asta shouted, "To help a friend." Goku said, "Alright Asta, hold onto me." Goku said,  Asta placing his hands on Goku's back. "Vegeta-." "I know, I know. Stay here in case Frieza attacks. Just go already." Vegeta said, "Right. Let's go." Goku said and the two were off.

Back in Coland....

"Come on, Escanor. We both know you can't beat me...." Meliodas said as he stomped on his teammates head. "We'll see about that-." "Hey!" Meliodas and the others were surprised to see Goku appear next to Elizabeth. "Goku! You heard me!" Elizabeth said with a sigh of relief. "Yeah, it was a bit hard to find your energy." "I can explain that later. Right now, please try and help Meliodas!" Elizabeth pleaded. 

["Holy crap.... That person's ki.... It's so.... Evil."] Asta thought, "So, you asked for some backup? Heh heh heh.... You guys won't be able to beat me." Meliodas said, "Merlin, I take it you made that spell." Goku asked, "Yes, it's the only thing keeping Meliodas from killing us all." Merlin said, "Undo the spell." "What?! No, do I have to explain-." "Do it! If we're going to help your captain. Then we'll need to beat him first." Goku said, 

"Uh-?! Hm.... fine." "Are you sure about this, Merlin?" Diane asked, "There isn't another option right now." Merlin said as she made the cube vanish. "Heh heh heh.... That was a mistake.... Ha!"Meliodas shot forward and rammed into Goku, causing a giant burst of impact to ripple. "I don't think so. YAH!" Goku threw a punch and connected to Meliodas's face, sending him crashing through mounds of rubble.

 "YAH! Lucky shot! Try this, hellblaze!" Meliodas fired of black flames towards the group. "YAH!" Asta then took out his sword and destroyed the flames. "What?!" ["How could that boy easily cut through and destroy those flames?"] Merlin thought, "YAH!" Goku then flew in and delivered a punch to the gut, sending Meliodas hurling back. 

"This is it.... Kamehame...." Goku then turned super saiyan and used instant transmission to appear behind Meliodas. "HA!" "Rrrr! Full counter." Meliodas used his dagger to send the attack back, striking Goku. "Argh!" "Goku! I'm coming!" Asta shouted as he took out both swords. "Hey, try fighting me you jerk!" Asta shouted, "Come on, kid. You don't have the power to beat me." Meliodas said, "Oh yeah? Then how come I can stop any attacks you can dish out?" Asta asked, "What are you talking about?" "Your magic won't work on me, because I have anti magic." "What?!" ["Anti magic?"] 

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