The unstoppable Recoome

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"I pick... you two!" Recoome rammed into both Todoroki and Bakugou, sending them back. "You guys get to fight me." Recoome said, "Sounds good to me." Bakugou said with a smile. "Careful Bakugou, we don't know what he's capable of." "Shut up, Icy-hot! I'm taking this guy down! Bakugou blasted forward and hit an explosion to Recoome's face. 

"Ha ha ha! That tickles! My turn!" "What the-Mph!" Recoome grabbed Bakugou by the face and slammed him to the ground. "MPH!" Bakugou tried to scream, but Recoome didn't let go of his face. "What's that? I can't hear you-huh?" Recoome looked at the anger in Bakugou's eyes and was hit with blast after blast. "That's not gonna work." "Then maybe this will." Todoroki fired off a path of ice, striking Recoome. "Hey! Wait your turn!" Recoome shouted, lifting his hand off of Bakugou.

 "You bastard..." "Huh?" "DIE!" Bakugou pulled the trigger to one of his gauntlets and landed the blow. "Bakugou are you alright?" Todoroki asked as he helped him up. "Let go of me. I'm fine." Bakugou said as he jerked away. "Do you think that did it?" "Of course not, it probably just stung him a bit." Bakugou said and was proven right as Recoome swatted away the smoke and was revealed to only have some burn marks on his armor. "Hey! I just had this cleaned." Recoome said, "I don't know if he's toying with us, or if he's just that stupid." Bakugou said,

 "Then let's plan an attack that can work-." "Screw a plan, Icy-hot. I told you I got this." Bakugou went to attack Recoome again, only for him to get smacked to the side. "I don't want to fight you anymore. I'm gonna fight him." Recoome said as he turned his attention to Todoroki. "Don't ignore me!" Bakugou fired an explosion to Recoome's back, but he didn't pay any attention to it. "Let's see what else you can do." Recoome said as he gestured for Todoroki to attack.

 "Guess I have no choice." Todoroki sent another wave of ice at Recoome. "I don't think so." Recoome threw his fist out and began to shatter the ice as it began to get near him. "Let's follow it up with this." Todoroki then sent a wave of fire at Recoome. "Is that the best you got?!" Recoome said as he took the heat and seemed to be fine. "Hey!" Recoome then turned to Bakugou. "What do you want?" "We're not done yet..." Bakugou said as he held his hand out.

 "AP shot... Auto Cannon!" Bakugou began firing shots at Recoome. "Those things can't hurt me." Recoome said, then felt his legs get cold. "What the?" "Got you. Take this!" Todoroki slid in front of Recoome and hit him with a blast of fire. "Still not good enough." "Oof!" Recoome then punched Todorki, sending him back. "This guy is really tough." "No kidding. What was your first hint?" Bakugou said sarcastically. 

"Look Bakugou, we need to work together if we're going to beat him." Todoroki said, "And why the hell should I work with you? I'll be fine on my own." Bakugou said, "We both know that we won't win one on one. So come on, we both know you don't like to team up, but that's our best option right now." Bakugou looked at Todoroki, Goku's words came to his mind. ["I know how you feel. I normally like fighting without help, but even I know that teamwork can get you a lot further than fighting alone."] 

"Damn it-fine. What's the plan then?" Bakugou said reluctantly, "Try and hit him with your stun grenade. I'll follow it up with a giant ice attack." Todoroki said, "Fine." Bakugou blasted forward, "You want some more, kid?" Recoome said, "I'm not scared of you! Come at me!" Bakugou taunted, "Fine, here I come!" Recoome began to run at Bakugou, but was then blinded by his stun grenade. "Ah! I can't see!" "My turn." Todoroki then froze Recoome's body in a giant ice block. 

"Now what?" "You still have grenades?" Todoroki asked, Bakugou then took off his belt where he held his grenades. "Here I go." Todoroki made a path of ice and slid towards Recoome. "Once I can see, you two are dead!" Recoome shouted, "I hope this works." Todoroki removed all the triggers and threw the belt at Recoome. The bombs went off, blowing up the ice but still hit Recoome. "Ow, that one stung hard!" Recoome said, "Bakugou, use your other gauntlet!" Todoroki said. Bakugou ran at Recoome, and before he could think, Bakugou set off his other gauntlet. 

"Ow!" Todoroki then created an ice pillar that came up from the ground and nailed Recoome in the stomach. "Bakugou, use that super move of yours." Todoroki said, "This had better work, Icy-hot! Howitzer...IMPACT!" Bakugou nailed the attack, "Argh!" Recoome was then consumed by the explosion. "Good work." "Shut up! You know that probably didn't do much right?" Bakugou pointed out, "True, but maybe we did some damage to him." Todoroki suggested, the two waited, and soon the smoke cleared.

 "That was a good one. But not good enough." Recoome said, revealing that his armor was mostly damaged. "Great. Your plan didn't work." Bakugou said, "Guess we just have to keep fighting." Todoroki said, the two then braced themselves for another attack, but before Recoome could land a hit, he was punched in the face. 

["SMASH!"] "Midoriya?" "Deku?!" Recoome reeled back, holding his jaw. "Hey! That was a cheap shot!" "You two ok?" Jiro asked as they got to them. "Yeah, what about you guys?" Todoroki asked, "Does it matter? Why are you guys helping us?" Bakugou asked, "We managed to defeat our opponent so we thought you two may need some help." Yaoyorozu explained, "Good luck, this guy isn't going to fall so soon."Bakugou said, "Yeah, we saw you hit him with your super move." Midoriya said, "So, anyone got any ideas?" Todoroki asked,

 ["That big guy was toying with us the whole time. Even making those pain noises on purpose. But he actually felt the power behind the damn nerd's punch."] Bakugou thought, then spoke. "We'll each hit him. Deku, you're going to hit him last with everything you got." Midoriya looked at Bakugou then understood why. "Right, let's do it." Midoriya said, so the others rushed Recoome and each began to land an attack.

 ["Ok, here I go. One for All... full cawling!"] Midoriya's body began to form electricity, and he began to run at Recoome. ["One for All... 50%. Detroit...SMASH!"] Midoriya rammed his fist into Recoome's gut. "Ah....Oof!" The power behind the punch was enough to send Recoome flying back, and crashing into Jeice. "Recoome! Get the hell off me!" "Ooooo..." Recoome couldn't speak as the wind was knocked out of him.

 "Nice work, Midoriya." Todoroki said, "Thanks." As the group approached Recoome, Uraraka and Kirishima joined them. "You two doing ok?" Jiro asked, "Yeah, thanks for helping." Uraraka said, "It was just a coincidence." Bakugou said, "Still thanks, we were kinda needing some help." Kirishima said, "Damn big oaf!" Jeice said as he pushed Recoome off of him. "Now where were we-?!" Jeice looked and saw that he was now facing the seven kids. "This... isn't good."

To be continued...

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