An explosive battle! Luck VS Bakugou!

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Earlier that day....

After discussing the plan going further yesterday, Yami decided to have some relaxation time to himself. "Yo Bulma, you got like a pool or something?" "Yeah it's out in the back. Gonna take it easy today?" Bulma asked, "Yup, just gonna kick back. Well, thanks." Yami waved Bulma off and headed to the pool. Bulma began to head to her lab when, "Oh Bulma, I'm glad I caught you." "Huh? Oh Midnight, what's up?" Bulma asked, "Come now, call me Nemuri." "Oh, sure. What's up, Nemuri?" Bulma asked, 

"I heard that you have a pool and jacuzzi. Mind telling me where it is?" Midnight asked, "Oh sure, they're in the back." "Thank you~!" Midnight said as she ran off. "Oh wait, you should know that-and she's gone.... Well, I hope she'll enjoy some company." Bulma said as she continued to head to her lab. Meanwhile, the magic knights had gone to look around West City with the most of the UA students. All but one student went, "Alright, so this is that gravity room they were talking about. Huh?" Bakugou had put on his hero suit and had gone to train in the gravity room. "Ok, let's see how to get targets in here." As Bakugou looked to see how the gravity room, Luck managed to sneak in as well. 

"What are you doing here, lightning boy?" Bakugou asked, not even turning around. "Wow, you're good. Why else do you think I'm here?" Luck asked, charging up a lightning. "Damn it, I said I wasn't going to fight you! Now leave me alone so I can train!" Bakugou shouted, "Oh I get it. You don't want to fight me because you know I'll beat you." Luck said with a smile. Bakugou froze for a second, taking in what Luck said to him. "What was that....?" "Ha ha! You know what I said." "I changed my mind.... You want a fight? Then let's fight!" Bakugou shouted as he began to create small explosions in his hands. 

"Alright! Lightning creation magic.... Holy lighting gloves! Holy lightning boots!" Luck began to charge up, "Get ready to die!" Bakugou shot forward, using his burst speed to quickly rush Luck. "I don't think so! Lightning magic-Thunder fiend!" Luck began to ricochet through the gravity room, landing quick blows to Bakugou. "What's the matter? Can't keep up? Ha ha!" "Rrrrr..... Shut up!" Bakugou, getting more and more irritated, stuck out his arm. "Take this, Lightning freak! AP shot....Auto cannon!" Bakugou began to fire rapidly through the room. "Woah! Now that's cool! Woops! Almost got me that-?!" Luck looked up to see Bakugou right above him.

 "Got you, bastard!" Bakugou fired off an explosion, sending Luck to the ground. "Time to end this!" Using his burst speed again, Bakugou was about to rush Luck when, "Lightning magic....Thunderbolt....Destruction!" Luck formed a ball of lightning in his hand and threw it right at Bakugou. "Argh!" Bakugou was hit directly by the orb, sending him hurling back in pain. "Got ya!" Luck used his lightning boots to dash forward and landed a punch to Bakugou's face. "Looks like I have the upper hand." Luck said as he leaped over Bakugou and delivered a kick to his back.

 "Argh!" Bakugou skidded across the floor, trying to get back up. "Maybe just stay down. I mean, I think this battle is over-?!" "Stun grenade!" As Luck approached Bakugou, he was blinded by Bakugou's attack. "You were saying?! Now die!" Bakugou grabbed Luck by his robe and, using his quirk as a speed boost, threw Luck into the air. "Here it comes.... The finishing blow! Howitzer...." As Bakugou was preparing his super move, Luck began to use a spell. 

"Lightning magic..." "Impa-ack!" Bakugou felt a strong pain form throughout his body. "Keraunos!" Bakugou fell to the floor, clutching his chest. "Wow, didn't think you'd still be good after that spell." Luck said, surprised and impressed to see Bakugou back on his feet. "Pant-pant.... I'm far from done. So, keep coming at me!" Bakugou shouted, "Alright then, you asked for it!" Luck summoned his lightning gloves and boots once again and bolted straight at Bakugou. ["Huh? Why isn't he doing anything?"] Luck thought as he rushed at Bakugou, who didn't even have his hands up. Right as Luck was inches away from Bakugou, Bakugou raised his hand, his finger on the trigger for one of his gauntlets.

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