Enter Death City/Uraraka and Yaoyorozu attend the DWMA?

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After about a day's travel, the group arrived at the city. "What the hell?! Is the sun smiling?!" Magna shouted as they approached the city. "The bigger question should be, does the sun really have a face?!" Uraraka added, "That is something you don't see everyday." Roshi added, "True, but we should focus on the task at hand. Goku, where does the radar say the dragon ball is?" Aizawa said, at this point, the group had entered the city. 

"Right, the radar says that the dragon ball isn't that far away. So, we should be good." Goku said, "In any case, we should take a look around this city. Just in case there's any sign of danger here." Todoroki suggested, "I think we should do that too." Mimosa added, "Right, hmm.... Ok, Aizawa, why don't you take Shoto, Manga, and Mimosa with you. See if you can get a feel of the city. Everyone else will go with me to look for the dragon ball." Goku explained,

 "Sounds good, just be careful." Aizawa said as the two groups split up. "So Goku, how far is the dragon ball anyways?" Uraraka asked, "It's not that far, it's right.... There!" "Huh?!" The group looked up to see a giant fleet of stairs in front of them. "We have to walk up all of that?" Yaoyorozu asked, "Heh, this is nothing. Master Roshi made me and Krillin walk up tons of stairs just to deliver milk." Goku said, beginning to stretch.

 "You really made them do that?" Uraraka asked, "Indeed, it was all part of their training. And as you can see, it has paid off." Roshi said, "There has to be a way for us to get to the top faster." Yaoyorozu said, "Hmm.... i think I know how we can. Goku, why don't you fly one of us to the top. Then, use instant transmission to bring up the others?" "Yeah, that can work Ochako. Come on then!" Goku took Uraraka by the hand and flew her up to the top. 

"Waah! Huh?! We're at the top already? Oh man, that was way too fast...." Uraraka said as she hugged herself after all of that speed. "Alright, I'll be right back." Goku said, using instant transmission to get Roshi and Yaoyorozu. "Uraraka, are you ok?" "Y-yeah.... Just feeling a bit-mph?! Nauseous is all." Uraraka said, covering her mouth. "Hey kids, take a look at this." Roshi pointed his staff up. 

"Woah, is this some type of school?" Yaoyorozu asked as the four looked at the DWMA. "I don't know. Come on, we'd better go inside. That's where the radar says the dragon ball is." Goku said, and so the group went inside. As they entered, they could see students walking around, heading to their classes. "It seems you were right, Momo. This is some sort of school." Roshi said, "This may be harder than we thought-?" "Excuse me? Can I help you?" The group turned around to see a woman standing before them. "Heh heh heh! Well hello there young lad-Argh!" Roshi had rushed forward, only for the woman to punch him to the ground.

 "As I was saying, is there anything I can help you with?" The woman asked, "Right-uh....well...." Goku tried to think of something to say, while Yaoyorozu saw a poster that said, "recruiting new students." "Our father was considering enrolling us here." Yaoyorozu blurted out, Uraraka and Goku looking at her. "I see, well I suppose I'll give you a tour of the school. And we'll see if you come to a decision then. Oh and before we begin, my name is Azusa Yumi. May I ask for yours?" Azusa asked,

 "Of course. My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, this is my.... Sister, Ochako, and this is our father, Goku." "Sister?" "Father?" The other two whispered, "Play along." Yaoyorozu whispered back. "Well then, follow me." Azusa gestured for them to follow her. As the group was leaving, Roshi whispered to the others. "I'll see if I can find the dragon ball while you keep up the act." Roshi then snuck away. "As you know, this academy is dedicated to training meisters and demon weapons in order to prevent the uprising of another Kishin. We have many classes that the students take, there are dorms for the students as well." Azusa explained as they walked around.

 "What's a meister?" Uraraka asked Yaoyorozu, "I'm not sure myself. Just don't say anything." Yaoyorozu whispered back, meanwhile, Roshi had been searching for the dragon ball. "Now, where could the dragon ball be? It has to be-?" "Excuse me sir? Is there something that I can help you with?" "Huh? Woah!" Roshi looked behind him to see Marie looking at him.

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