Your all isn't enough! The fight with All for One commences!

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"Now, young Midoriya..... The true fight begins...." All for One said, "Don't worry, Midoriya. We got your back!" Kirishima said as he, Vanessa, and Diane came to his side. "How adorable. You all believe that you stand a chance." All for One said with a chuckle. Both sides still not moving, waiting to see what the other will do. ["Please.... Be careful, Young Midoriya." All Might said as he watched on in pure scaredness.] "What do we do, Midoriya? We'll follow your lead." Kirishima said, "I'm still trying to figure that out."

 "Really? Then allow me to stop wasting time. Air cannon!" All for One shot a giant shockwave of air towards the group. "I got this!" Diane raised a wall to stop the impact. "Rivet stab!" All for Onetransformed his fingers into drill-like appendages and shot them forward, piercing through the rock wall and stabbing Diane through the thigh. "Ah!" Diane fell to one knee as the wall was destroyed. "Too easy. Air walk! Springlike limbs!" All for One shot forward towards the group. "Hypertrophy!" All for One's arm grew massive and went in for a giant blow. 

"Not on my watch! Red riot.... UNBREAKABLE!" Kirishima made his body super hard that it absorbed the impact of the punch. "Fascinating.... Thunderbolt!" All for One used his other hand and struck Vanessa with a bolt of electricity. "AH!" Vanessa then fell to the floor. "One down.... Two to go." All for One said as he flew back into the air. "Don't think that you're out of reach from me!" Diane shot up columns from the ground at All for One. 

"Explosion." Before any of them could strike, All for One used Guila's ability to blow them up. "You'll need to try harder than that." "Come down here and fight us face to face you coward!" Kirishima shouted, "If that's what you want. I'll oblige." All for One said as he floated back down. "Now.... HA!" Diane shot another pillar at All for One, but, "Wall." All for One then formed a barrier around himself. "Ah ah ah. That won't work. Ice fang!" The barrier disappeared and All for One sent ice shards at the three. 

"Kirishima!" "On it!" Kirishima activated his quirk once again and took the damage. "Rrrrr....!" "Warping. Spearlike bones" A portal appeared in front of All for One. "What the-?! ACK!" "Diane!" The two then saw another portal behind Diane as well as All for One's bones piercing her body. "Uh..." Diane then fell to the floor as well. ["No.... Diane!" King shouted.] "Only one stands in my way now." "So that's what you're doing? Trying to take out the others so you can get to me?" Midoriya said, 

"I'm surprised it took you this long to figure that out." "Well good luck trying to take me out! With my quirk, I can take any of your attacks head on!" Kirishima said, "Let's put that to the test then.Thunderbolt!" "HRRR!!!!" Kirishima once again took the brunt of the attack. "Kirishima, you can't keep this up!" "Don't worry about me, Midoriya! Just figure out a way to stop him! YAH!" Kirishima slashed his arms in an X motion, seeming to get ready to attack. "Oh? Are you really going to try and hit me? Go for it then." All for One said,

 "Hrrr.... YAH!" Kirishima charged at All for One and began to try and land a blow. "I can't just stand back and watch Kirishima do this himself." Midoriya charged up to full cowling and darted forward. "St. Louis smash!" "Impact recoil!" "Argh!" All for One sent the force of Midoriya's attack back at him. "Red... gauntlet!" Kirishima began to land a barrage of punches to All for One. "Ha ha ha! Super regeneration." All for One began to heal himself as Kirishima continued to attack.

 "Delaware smash.... Air force!" Midoriya flicked his finger and sent a projectile at All for One. "Hm? Tempest!" All for One created a vortex of air, cancelling out Midoriya's attack. "I'm tired of you. Let's end this. Ha!" ".....ARGH!" All for One punched Kirishima in the back with his giant spearlike arm. He then grabbed Kirishima by the face and slammed him to the ground. "I'm sure I can find a use for your quirk-?!" 

"Get away from him! Smash!" "Ooof!" Midoriya landed a punch to All for One's face. "Heh heh heh. Lucky shot." All for One said, then looked to see that Midoriya's friends were all knocked out. "Well well well. It seems it's just you and me now." All for One said, "You got what you wanted." Midoriya said, "Indeed. Now I can finish you off. And this time no anti magic sword boy is here to help you." All for One said, 

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