Goku's in trouble! Get out here and heal him, Aqua!

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"Look out-ACK!" Goku rushed in front of them and was struck straight through the chest. "Uh?!" "Huh?!" "Ah!" The other three were stunned from what just happened. "Ah.....Ack...." Goku then spit out some blood. "Heh heh heh. You're done." Dodoria said as he pulled out his fist and let Goku fall to the ground. "Goku!" "Now that takes care of him." Dodoria said, now turning his attention to Asta, Noelle and Kirishima. "No way.... He took out Goku." Kirishima said as he knelt down.

 "He put up a bit of a fight, but was still no match for me." Dodoria said, "Guys, Goku isn't dead. His ki is fading but he's still with us!" Asta said, "We need to get him healed, but we can't just leave him here." Noelle said, "Then keep him with us Noelle. We'll handle this guy!" "Right, let's go Asta!" Both Kirishima and Asta began to fight Dodoria with everything they had. "Come on, Goku, I know you can pull through." As Noelle was watching over Goku, she began to hear someone in her head. ["Noelle. Noelle!"] "Huh? Wh-who said that?" Noelle said as she looked around. 

["I'm not with you physically. I'm speaking to you telepathically."] "That voice.... Captain Yami? Is that you?" ["No, my name is Piccolo. I'm a friend of Goku's."] "You are? But why are you talking to me?" Noelle asked, ["I need you to tell me if there were any healers that Goku may have recruited. I know for a fact that he doesn't have the senzu beans with him."] Piccolo said, "Noelle?! What are you doing-argh!" Asta was then slammed to the ground by Dodoria. "Keep him busy, I'm trying to do something right now!" Noelle said,

 "Don't worry, just focus on Goku!" Kirishima shouted, trying to get Dodoria away from Asta. "Right! Ok Piccolo, the only healers that I know we have are Aqua and Mimosa. But, they're at Capsule Corps." Noelle said, ["Right, I'll contact them. You guys need to fend off Dodoria as long as you can."] "Wait, can't you come and help us?" ["I'm afraid not. I'm not close enough to help. Not only that, but many of the others are spread out thin protecting their families just in case."] Piccolo explained,

 "Fine, just try and get them here as fast as you can." Noelle said as she stood up. "Don't worry, Goku. I'll protect you. Sea Dragon's Lair!" Noelle then put up the barrier around herself and Goku. Back at Capsule Corps, everyone was watching the fight unfold in the city. ["Aqua. Mimosa."] "Huh? Who said that?" Aqua asked as she looked around, "You heard that too, Aqua?" Mimosa asked, ["Both of you. Head somewhere alone. We need to talk."] Piccolo said,

 "Uh, should we listen to whoever that is?" Mimosa asked, "I guess?" Aqua said as the two went to the kitchen. "Ok, whoever this is! Talk! I'm a busy goddess!" Aqua said, ["Listen, I'm a friend of Goku's. I'm talking to you because he was struck down in battle and is dying."] "What? How can that be?" ["From what I can tell you, he got seriously hurt protecting three individuals helping him."] Piccolo explained, 

"He must be talking about Asta, Noelle, and Eijiro." Mimosa said, "So why tell us?" Aqua asked, ["Your friend, Noelle said that you two have the ability to heal. Which is why one of you needs to get to Goku."] "You want us to go out there?" Aqua asked, just as a rumble could be felt. ["Look, your friends are fending off Dodoria the best they can, but Goku is the only one who could actually beat him. For reasons I'm not near to go and help. Which is why you need to get to him and fast."] Piccolo explained, "Aqua, you need to go." "WHAT?! I'm not going out there!" Aqua shouted,

 "We both discussed our healing spells and yours can heal people far faster than mine." Mimosa said, ["You need to go now. I can sense Goku's energy dropping faster now."] Piccolo said, "But.... but..." Aqua looked at Mimosa, who had a pleading look on her face. "Mmmm..... Fine! I'll go." Aqua said, walking to the door. "Aqua, where are you going?" Darkness asked, "I'm going where I'm needed. AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Once out the door, Aqua ran as fast as she could to the others. "YAH! What the-?!" Kirishima tried to go for a punch, but Dodoria easily caught it. "Oh Craaap! Argh!" Kirishima was then spun in the air and slammed to the ground. "Try this! Black....Hurricane!" Asta began to spin and landing hits on Dodoria, but they didn't do much damage. 

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