A Mini episode! Frieza and All For One come face to face!

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"I believe it's time that we had a chat." Frieza said as he and All for One looked each other over. "I believe we've never met before. Tell me, who are you?" All for One asked, "Of course, my name is Frieza. I am the head of my army, the Frieza force. And this is my spaceship." Frieza explained as he gestured around. "I see. Now tell me this, why did you break me out of the prison?" All for One asked, "It was so that-." "Tomura, let this.... Being speak." All for One said, raising his hand.

 "The answer to your question is quite simple, though the explanation will be a bit... confusing." Frieza said, "Judging by where we are, I'd say that we have plenty of time. So by all means, tell me." All for One said, "Very well, though let us discuss this in my captain's quarters." Frieza said as he guided All for One back to the main part of the ship. As they walked, All for One would glance around and noticed that in the dining hall, the rest of the League was there. 

["So, he's brought the entire league here? This just makes me more curious."] All for One thought to himself as they entered the main part of the ship. "Now then, let me explain why I helped break you out of that prison." Frieza then gestured for Kikono to play some footage. "If you were unaware before, I come from a world very different from yours. One fateful day, your world, alongside mine, had merged with five other worlds." Frieza began as he showed All for One footage of the merged world. "When it happened, I, and your pupil Tomura were approached by a being by the name of Ainz." Frieza said as he showed images of him. 

"He wanted to form an alliance with us and we accepted. But that alliance was a farce." Frieza said in a more bitter tone, All for One glancing over at Tomura. "His alliance with us as well as his other partners fell apart. Once he was defeated, our worlds had returned to normal. Until now." Frieza said with a small smirk. "When I learned that our worlds were merged once again. I had a plan set in motion." "Oh? And what would that plan be?" All for One asked,

 "My soul objective is to obtain the dragon balls that are scattered throughout the seven worlds. Once obtained, I will use them in order to wish for all seven worlds to stay merged." Frieza explained, "And how do we factor into all of this?" "Just like me, there are another group of individuals that want to obtain the orbs as well. I need assistance in not just locating, but fending off these individuals from the dragon balls." Frieza said, 

"Seeing as you have my pupil Tomura here, I would have to ask..." All for One turns to Tomura, "What did he offer that made you agree to help him?" Tomura scratched his neck, then spoke. "He will allow us to use his Frieza force to help us kill all the heroes. Not only that but, there is another set of these dragon balls that can grant us three wishes." Tomura explained, "Tell me, why would I need these dragon balls?" All for One asked, 

"Think about it. You could wish that all heroes were destroyed. Wish yourself to be the ruler of your world. Riches.... Immortality." Frieza said, "Hmm... this does sound intriguing.... Tomura, do you truly trust this individual?" All for One asked, "I'll be honest, I didn't at first. But unlike Ainz, he has been able to keep his word up to this point. Not only did he break you out of prison, but he healed you. I would say that he has earned my trust." Tomura said, 

"The call is yours All for One. If you wish to decline, I will have my men escort you and your league back to Earth. But if you accept, you won't just have access to my Frieza Force, but my healing chambers as well. Not to mention the use of earth's dragon balls once I wish the worlds to stay merged." Frieza said, extending his hand out. All for One thought for a moment. "Very well Frieza. You have a deal." All for One said as he shook Frieza's hand.

 "Wonderful! Now then, you and your League of Villains will be able to use my spaceship as your place to stay while we look for the rest of the dragon balls." Frieza said, "Follow me, I will show you to your quarters." Kimono said as he guided All for One out of the room, Tomura following them. 

"Well now, looks like you have a new partner, Lord Frieza." BerryBlue said as the door closed. "Yes, it seems so." Frieza said, a smirk forming on his face. "And just in time too." BerryBlue then gestured to the screen. "It seems our troops have located another dragon ball... and another potential partner." BerryBlue said as she pulled an image on screen. Frieza looked at the screen. "He looks like an interesting fellow.... Eye of the Midnight Sun leader, Licht? I can't wait to meet you..."

To be continued...

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