A day off?! The magic knights explore West City!

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The next day had come and everyone was told to enjoy some time to relax while Goku and Vegeta search for the dragon ball here. "Well since we have some time off, I'm gonna go watch some TV." Kazuma said as he headed to the living room. "Kazuma, all you've been doing is watching, uh, this TV since we've arrived here." Darkness said, "Your point being? Look, I haven't watched TV in a long time since coming to Axel! So let me enjoy this!" Kazuma shouted from the couch.

 "Since we have the day off, I think we should hit the town!" Kirishima said, "Hell yeah! I wanna see what this place is like!" Asta said as he popped up. "Actually that sounds like a great idea. Perhaps we can find clothing for all of you to fit in." Yaoyorozu said to the magic knights. "Oooh, clothes shopping! I'm down for that." Vanessa said, "True, it would be wise to get clothing that allows us not to stand out." Klaus said, "Hey Uraraka, is it just me or does that guy remind you of Iida?" Jiro whispered, causing Uraraka to chuckle a bit. 

"Yeah, you're right." Uraraka whispered back. "Right then, let's get going now!" Kirishima said, "Hey wait for me! I want to try on clothes too!" Megumin said as she ran to catch up with them. "Yo Bakugou! You coming?!" Kirishima asked,

 "Yeah right! I'm staying here. Might as well get some training in." Bakugou said as he walked off to the gravity room. "Hm? ["Ha ha! This is my chance to fight him!"]" Luck thought, "Hey, I just remembered I have to use the restroom. You guys can go, don't wait up for me!" Luck said as he rushed off.

 ["He's going to try and fight Bakugou isn't he?"] Everyone thought as they left. Meanwhile, "Oh Bulma, I'm glad I caught you." "Huh? Oh Midnight, what's up?" Bulma asked, "Come now, call me Nemuri." "Oh, sure. What's up, Nemuri?" Bulma asked,

 "I heard that you have a pool and jacuzzi. Mind telling me where it is?" Midnight asked, "Oh sure, they're in the back." "Thank you~!" Midnight said as she ran off. "Oh wait, you should know that-and she's gone.... Well, I hope she'll enjoy some company." Bulma said as she left for her lab.

In the city....

"Woah... this place is so weird." Asta said as he looked at everything. "S-so many people... can't I ju-just transform?" Gray asked, "No way! Come on Gray, this is just what you need to get over being super shy." Vanessa said, "So many ladies! Maybe I can-." "Remember what captain Yami said, Finral." 

["You had better not try doing any of that flirting you do. I don't want you embarrassing the squad.... GOT IT?!"] Finral remembered what Yami said, and sighed. "Right... I remember now." As the group continued on, Yaoyorozu spoke up. "I called Bulma and asked her what clothing store would be best, and she told me she'd take care of it. Follow me." Yaoyorozu said as she led the group to the clothing store. "I wonder what she meant by that?" Mimosa said to her squadmates. 

 Soon enough, the group found the clothing store. "Ah, you must be the group Ms. Briefs told me about. Come on in." The saleswoman said, and so the group entered. "What did Bulma say exactly?" Midoriya asked, "She paid to have the store closed. Allowing you all to try on new clothes." The saleswoman said, surprising everyone. 

"Now then, who will be the first to try on some clothes?" The group looked at each other. "Hell, I'll go!" Magna said as he looked around. "Oooo! This looks cool!" Magna grabbed some clothes and the saleswoman showed him to the changing room. "What do you think Magna will look like?" Asta asked, "Probably just as ridiculous as he usually is." Noelle said, "Alright guys! I'm coming out!" Magna walked out, sporting a white shirt with a leather jacket on top, jeans and sneakers. "Well? What does my squad think?" Magna asked, 

"Wow, it's really you." Vanessa said, checking Magna over. "Y-yeah you l-look good, Magna." Gray said, peeking through her hands. "They're right, you look cool!" "Thanks Rasta, thank you girls. What about it Miss Royal? How do I look?" Magna asked, "You look passable." Noelle said, not even bothering to look at him. "Well? Who's next?" The saleswoman asked, "I'll go~!" Vanessa said, grabbing some clothes and walking into the dressing room.

 "Whatever Vanessa is gonna try on, she'll look great no matter what." Asta said, causing Noelle to glare at him and Mimosa to pout. "Ok, I'm coming out~!" Vanessa walked out of the dressing room, wearing a pink off the shoulder top, wide-legged pants and boots. "So? How do I look? Finral~?" Vanessa looked at him, posing suggestively. "You look great." Finral said, "Yeah Vanessa, you look amazing!" Asta shouted, "Aw, thanks." Vanessa said, giving him a hug. ["She doesn't look that good."] Both Noelle and Mimosa thought,

 "Gauche, why don't you go next?" Charmy asked, "I'm not interested in new clothes. Though, if you can point me to the children's section, I greatly appreciate it. ["My darling little Marie would look amazing in some new clothes."]." Gauche said as he was led to the children's section. "Well, we should've seen this coming." Noelle said, "I shall go next." Klaus said as he grabbed some clothes and entered the changing room. 

"I wonder how Klaus will look." Mimosa said, "We'll find out in a minute." Yuno said, "Ok, I'm done." Klaus exited the changing room revealing himself wearing a nice vest, slacks and a nice pair of shoes. "I have to say, it really suits him." Vanessa said, "I agree." Yaoyorozu added, "So, who's next then?" Todoroki asked, "Why don't you go, Yuno?" Asta asked, "I think I'm fine with what I've got on. Why doesn't someone else go?" Yuno answered, "I'll go." Everyone then turned to Mimosa, who began to pick out some clothes and walked into the changing room. ["I hope Asta likes what I picked out."] Mimosa thought as she began to change.

 "O-ok, I'm done." Mimosa then returned sporting a yellow a yellow blouse, a pair of jeans and slip on shoes. "H-ow do I look?" Mimosa asked, a small smile on her face. "You look nice." Yuno said, "Yes, he is correct." Klaus added, "What do you think, Asta?" Mimosa asked, now blushing a little. "Huh? Oh you look nice, Mimosa." Asta said, giving a thumbs up. "Thank you. ["He likes it!"] Noelle looked at the two and quickly grabbed some clothes and rushed into the changing room. "I didn't think Noelle would want to try on clothes." Asta said,

 "Trust me, after what just happened, she does." Vanessa said with a smirk, "Huh? What do you mean?" "Don't worry about it." The group waited for a while, Noelle still not out of the changing room. "What's taking Ms. Royal so long?" Magna asked, "I'll go check on her." Vanessa then walked to the changing room. "Noelle? Are you ok in there?" "V-Vanessa?" "What's wrong?" Vanessa asked, "I-I think I picked out some clothes that.... Are a bit suggestive." "What are you-?! Pfft-Ha ha ha! You weren't kidding!" Vanessa began to crack up as she walked in seeing Noelle in short shorts and a crop top. "Stop laughing!" Noelle said as she covered herself. 

"This is what you get for trying to upstage your cousin." Vanessa said, "Can you just get me some different clothes?" Noelle asked, "Ok, I'll be right back." Vanessa said as she left to pick out some new clothes for her friend. "Ok, I found some that I think you'll like." Vanessa handed Noelle the new set of clothes and left her to change. Soon enough, Noelle came out wearing a light blue cape top (similar to her magic knight robe), black leggings, and a pair of sandals.

 "W-well??" Noelle asked, "You look kinda the same. I mean, couldn't you have picked out some new footwear at least?" Magna asked, "Sandals are just comfortable ok!" Noelle said, then looked at Asta. "Well? What do you think? Not that I care." Noelle said, looking away. "You look cute Noelle." Asta said, catching her off guard. 

"EH?! ["He said I'm cute!"]." Noelle thought as she turned red. Soon enough the others tried on new clothing, but only a few ended up getting new clothing. "Man I look good! Too bad Luck chose to stay back at that Capsule Corps place." Magna said, "I know! Hey do you think Luck and that other guy actually fought?" Asta asked, 

"Knowing Kachan, he might have agreed to fight him." Midoriya said, "I'm sure if they did their fight would have ended a while ago-?!" Suddenly, the group could hear a big explosion coming for Capsule Corps. "No way! They're still fighting?!" Asta shouted as the group ran to the gravity room. 

Once there, the group saw both Bakugou and Luck, both battered and bruised struggling to their feet. "This may be the best fight I've had in awhile." Luck said as he began to charge up a spell. "You... haven't... won yet!" Bakugou shouted as the two collided with a Thunderbolt Destruction and Howitzer Impact, the room surrounding in smoke and debris.

To be continued....  

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