Two Vanessas?! Himiko Toga infiltrates the team!

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While the others were fighting in the city, Frieza and the others had been watching from his ship. "Looks like your soldiers lost the dragon ball." Tomura said, "I can see that. Damn, they're too busy fighting those two saiyans." Frieza said, "Then shouldn't we get someone to retrieve it before they have a chance to?" All for One asked, "Even if I sent someone from my force out there, it would be a very slim chance." Frieza said, "Then perhaps someone from the league." All for One suggested, "Yeah, I can send Toga, she did manage to take some blood from one of their allies." Tomura said,

 "Yes, go tell her to get ready." All for One said, "And fast. It seems they already know that we don't have it." Frieza said as he brought up footage of the group heading to the forest. "Fine, I'll tell her now." Tomura then left to get her. ["Let's hope she doesn't mess this up."] Frieza thought as he and the others returned to watching the fight. "Come on, let's hurry!" Trunks said as the group ran out of town. "We're almost out. Keep running." Vanessa said, the group hearing the sounds of the battle raging on. "Oh my.... That sounds so painful.... I wonder what exactly is happening!" Darkness said with a smile. "Why the hell do you look turned on?! Maybe we should've left you back there!" Finral shouted, 

"Ok, we're out of the city." Trunks said, the group now looking right at the forest. "Ok, let's get searching." Jiro said, and the five went into the forest. "So, where should we start looking?" Jiro asked, "Hmmm.... It shouldn't be that far, so let's just search this area." Trunks said, and so the group split up to look around. "Nope, not here." Finral said as he looked around. "Not around here either." Darkness said as she rummaged through some bushes. "Man, where can it be?" Jiro said to herself as she climbed down from a tree. While everyone was looking around, Toga was spying on them. 

["Ok, if I'm going to fool them, I'll need to get that girl to wear this."] Toga reached into her pocket and pulled out another energy blocker wristband. ["I'll just wait for her to break off further-Huh?! Now's my chance!"] Toga noticed Vanessa leaving the group to search somewhere else. "Now where are you, you little orb? Hm? What's this?" Vanessa glanced at the ground and noticed the wristband on the floor. "Is it a bracelet? Hmm...Hm! Ha, fits." Vanessa said with a smile as she put it on. As she left to rejoin the group, Toga began to transform. "Heh heh heh! Now they'll-." "Never suspect a thing." Toga said as she finished turning into Vanessa. Toga then began to look for the rest of the group.

 "Argh! This is taking forever! Where the hell could that orb be?!" Finral shouted as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "Hey, still lookin' for the dragon ball?" Toga asked, "Huh? Oh Vanessa, yeah, I can't find it." Finral said as he kicked a pebble. "Aw, don't be like that. We'll find it." Toga said as she poked Finral's cheek. "Mmm.... come on, let's regroup with the others. Meanwhile, a bit before, "Huh? That's weird." Jiro said as she took her jacks out of the ground. "What is it?" Darkness asked, 

"There should only be five of us here. But I'm picking up six people walking around." Jiro said, "You think it's one of Frieza's guys?" Trunks asked, "I'm not sure, we better find Vanessa and Finral." Jiro said and the three went to look for the others. "Ugh.... where is everyone? Maybe I wandered off too far." Vanessa said as she sat down. "Sigh, well, better look for the others." Vanessa got up and began to make her way back to the others. "Look, there they are." Darkness said as she saw Finra and who she thought was Vanessa.

 "Guys! Come here, I have something to tell you." Jiro said as she waved them over. "What is it?" Finral asked, "Someone else is here. We think it could be someone from that evil alliance." Jiro explained, "What?! How could they be here?" Toga asked, trying her best to keep up the act. "They must be looking for the dragon ball too." Darkness said, "Then let's stick together. That way we can-." "Guys, there you are I've been looking for... you? What the hell?" Vanessa caught up with the group and noticed Toga.

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