The time has come!The final battle for the dragon balls!

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"I think we both knew that would come to this." Goku said, "You may be right about that, Monkey." Frieza said, the two not moving an inch. "Hm hm hm...." "Hm...." 

"Haaaa...." "Yaaa...." The two then shot towards each other and clashed. The two then began to exchange blows as they began to fly into the air. "Awesome!" "Hell yeah it is!" Asta and Kirishima said, "Yah!" "Da!" The two warriors continued trading blows. "Take this!" Frieza began to fire his laser at Goku, but he managed to evade it. "I don't think so! HA!" "Ack!" Goku landed a kick to the ribs, sending Frieza to the ground. Goku then appeared next to Frieza and landed more attacks. 

"Damn monkey!" Frieza blocked the next punch and punched Goku back. "Argh!" Frieza started charging up his death ball. "Not today! Yah!" Goku fired a ki blast at Frieza's hand, forcing him to lose focus. "Hrrrr.... YAH!" Frieza then shot more lasers at Goku. "Woah!" Goku began to dodge each of the lasers. "There! YAH!" Frieza closed in and punched Goku. "Got ya too! Hrr-YAH!" "OW!" Goku then delivered a headbutt to Frieza.

 "Try hitting me now!" "What?!" Goku then used his after image technique. "I forgot he could do this!" Frieza looked through each one then released a tone of energy, sending the images away. "What?! Where'd he-?!" "Over here!" Frieza turned his attention behind him. "HA!" Goku landed another punch to Frieza, sending him crashing into a mountain. "Keep it up, Goku!" Meliodas shouted, "You got this, Dad!" Gohan added, Goku flew at Frieza, but Frieza moved out of the way. Both then began to exchange blows again going through the air at rapid speed. 

"Yah!" "HA!" The two connected punches, sending each other back. ["I gotta end this once and for all.... Time to do it!"] Goku landed on the ground as Frieza followed. As Frieza went in for an attack, Goku ducked out of the way and went into his Super Saiyan God form. "It's over, Frieza." "What the-?!" Goku used his ki to hold Frieza in place. 

"How did you-?! Frieza then Saw Goku create a ball of red energy and shot forward, nailing him in the gut. "Gack!" "You're done for now! Ka... me.... Ha.... me...." Goku went back to Kaioken blue as he went in for the final blow. "No!" "HAAAAAAAAA!" Goku shot a giant kamehameha wave, engulfing Frieza. The giant beam soon dissipated. 

"Did that do it?" Midoriya asked as he and everyone looked back at Goku. Goku was standing on the ground, while Frieza, "Ah.... pant-pant-pant.... How...?" Frieza said as he was on his hands and knees, back to his final form. "Guess you still underestimated me." Goku said, "That can't be.... I've kept training-." "And while you were mainly in your ship, I've been fighting other powerful people including you." Goku said, reverting back to base form.

 "So, are you gonna admit that you've lost? Or will I have to-." "I have no intention of returning to hell...." Frieza said, "So give us the dragon balls and leave Earth." Goku said, "Rrrrr..... Give it to them...." Frieza said, looking at his subordinates. "Lord Frieza-." "I don't plan on going back to hell anytime soon! So just give them the dragon balls!" Frieza shouted, one of his subordinates giving Bulma a briefcase.

 Frieza then stood up. "You win this time, Goku. But, once the worlds are reverted back to normal..... I will be back for this planet." Frieza said as he walked back to his ship. "Enjoy this victory of yours for now." Frieza said as he boarded his ship and left.

"Ah.... ha ha ha! We did it! We got all the dragon balls!" Asta cheered, which then everyone did. "Hm?" As everyone was cheering, Aizawa felt something ringing in his pants. "Yeah?" Aizawa was on the phone and soon had some news.

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