The mysterious orange orb

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"Honestly, why does he always have to train?" "Oh calm down little Ms. Royal. Asta trains so he can get better, that's something us men do." Two people were walking through the woods in search of their friend. "I don't care that he trains to get better. I just hate that he chooses to train in the woods instead of close to the hideout." "I guess you have a point. I don't like coming to look for him either." The two continued to walk until they spotted something in the distance.

 "Hey, I think I see him. Hey Rasta, it's time for us to eat!" The two headed over to see Asta looking over the orb. "Huh? Oh Magna, Noelle when did you get here?" Asta asked, "We came to get you for lunch. What are you holding?" Noelle asked as she and Magna approached Asta. "I don't know. I was training when this thing hit me on the head." Asta said, "So you're fine then, seeing as you have an empty head." Noelle said, "Hey!" "It's alright, she says that to me when I hit my head too." Magna said as he put his arm around Asta's shoulders.

 "Hey, you think it might be one of those things that the Wizard King wanted us to get?" Asta asked, "I doubt it-it's too big to be a stone-." "You think? It's an orb." Noelle said, giving one of her pigtails a brush. "Maybe Captain Yami knows what this thing is." Magna said, "Yeah! Let's go see if he does!" Asta said as the three returned to the hideout.

 "You guys are back! Now hurry up before I finish up all the food!" Charmy said as she continued to stuff her face with food. "Oh hey, what'cha got there Asta?" Vanessa asked as she took a sip from her bottle of booze. "It's some kind of orb I found in the forest." Asta said as he held up the orb. "Woah! It looks shiny!" Luck said as he looked at the orb. "We were hoping the Captain would know what this is." Magna said, "Where is Captain Yani anyways? I thought he'd be eating with us too." Noelle asked, "Where else? He's in the crapper." Finral said as he leaned back in his chair.

 " Maybe one of my books can help you figure out what it is." Gordon whispered, "What was that Gordon? I couldn't hear you." Asta said, "Hey Gauche, do you think you may know what this is?" "I don't care about that stupid orb. All though, that does look like something my angel Marie would like... give me the orb. Now." Gauche said as his nose began to bleed. "Alright, what's with all the yapping in here?" Yami asked as he entered the common room. "Captain Yami, I was wondering if you knew what this thing is!" Asta shouted as he showed him the orb.

 "Will you keep your voice down?!" Yami said as he grabbed Asta by the head. "OW! Sorry-sorry! Now let go of me!" Asta shouted in pain. Yami put down Asta and took the orb from his hands. "Huh... It's not something that I've ever seen that's for sure. Ah hell, I don't know what this is, kid." Yami said as he handed the orb back to Asta. "Oh man, I was hoping you'd know. Wait, why don't we ask the Wizard King?!" Asta said, "Why the hell should we? It's just an orb." Yami said, "Asta thinks that it could be one of the stones that the Wizard King wanted us to get." Noelle explained, 

"You mean like the one we had to get in that sea temple?" Charmy asked, "Well, what if it is?" Asta asked, looking at Yami. "Sigh... you're a real pain in the ass, you know that, kid? Fine... Black Bulls! We're headin for the Clover Kingdom. Finral, portal." Yami said, "You know that I'm not your shofur, right?!" Finral shouted, but still opened a portal to the kingdom's capital. "Thanks Captain Yami!" "Yeah yeah, just go through the portal already." Yami said, one by one the squad went through the portal. 

Once in the capital, "Alright, I'll take the shrimp to the Wizard King, you all can have some time to yourselves. And don't get into trouble, I don't want to have to bail any of you out." Yami said, and so the Bulls went off in their separate ways. "C'mon kid, let's get going." Yami said, "Right! Huh? Hey Noelle, aren't you gonna go somewhere?" Asta asked as he noticed that Noelle was the only one to stay with him and Yami. "I'll be going with you just to make sure that you don't make a fool out of yourself." Noelle said as she looked away from Asta. "Hey! I don't embarrass people!" Asta shouted, "Shut up and get moving." Yami said as he pushed Asta to start walking.

 The three made their way to the Wizard King and were soon able to get to him. "Yami, and two of his Black Bulls. What brings you to the capital?" Julius asked, "The kid wanted to show you something he found. Asta, show him the orb." Yami looked at Asta and saw that he was still awestruck by being in the presence of the Wizard King. "Asta?" "Kid! Show him the orb or I'll crush you." Yami said as he once again grabbed Asta by the head.

 "OW! Ok ok! Wizard King, I found this weird orb in the forest. I was wondering if this was one of the stones that you may want, or at least know something about it." Asta said, Julius took the orb from Asta and began to examine it. "I must say, this is something that I've never seen before. It's not a stone seeing as it is an orb, but still." Julius continued to look at the orb. 

"I do sense some type of magic manna coming from it, but it's not like any other I've sensed." Julius said, "Wait do you guys sense it too?" Asta asked Noelle and Yami. "Now that you mention it, I do sense some manna from it." Noelle said, "Yeah I was sensing it too." Yami said, "You said that you found this in the forest, Asta?" Julius asked, "Yeah, that's right-." "Hold on a minute." Yami said as he cut off Asta. 

"What is it, Captain Yami?" Noelle asked, ["What the hell? What's with the overwhelming ki that's coming our way?!"] Yami thought as he sensed something big coming their way. "Yami?" "Asta?" Noelle then noticed that Asta also seemed uneasy. Suddenly, the wall to the side of the room was destroyed. "What the-what was that?!" Noelle shouted, "I'll only say this once. Hand over the dragon ball."

To be continued...

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