Retrieving the rest of the Straw Hats!/ Goku and Robin VS Yama!

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After sensing the energy that seemed closest to Robin, Goku latched onto it and used instant transmission. "If I can get to the cliff.... Then maybe I can send him over." Robin said to herself as she ran from Yama. "You can run, but I will defeat you!" Yama said as he bounced around. "Uh?!" Robin then saw the cliff up ahead. "Almost there-?!" Suddenly, Goku appeared in front of her. "Huh?! Who are you?" Robin asked, getting ready to fight. 

"Yo! I'm Goku, Luffy wanted me to-mph!" "Stomach Mountain!" Before Goku could finish, Yama body slammed him. "Not even your friend can-? Huh?" Yama began to notice that he was being lifted up. "Rrrrr..... Man, you're heavy...." Goku said as he continued to lift up Yama. "Amazing...." Robin said as she watched what was going on in front of her. "YYYYYAAAH! Ha!" Goku then threw Yama back. "I take it he's your enemy?" Goku asked,

 "Yes, that would be correct at the moment." Robin said, getting in her stance again. "How about I help you out? Then I'll take you back to Luffy." Goku said, "Ok, and you'll have to tell me how you know Luffy. You know that, right?" Robin said with a smirk. "Right, now let's do this!" Goku shot forward and began to punch Yama's stomach.

 "Ha ha ha! That won't do a thing-?!" "Clutch." Robin quickly made it so that Yama's arms and legs were restrained by the arms she created. "Heh heh. Kamehameha!" Goku fired off the energy wave only for it to not be very effective. "Heh! My.... turn!" Yama managed to break free from Robin's bind. "Try my Punch Mountain!" "....Ack!" Yama landed a massive punch to Goku's stomach. "Uh?! Slap!" Robin began to sprout hands on Yama's body, slapping his face repeatedly. "Ow! Oof! Argh!" "Goku, attack him now! I can't hold him off that long!" Robin said,

 "I got an idea. Shield your eyes." "What-?" "Do it!" Robin nodded and closed her eyes. "Solar flare!" "Ah! I can't see!" Yama said as he began to rub his eyes. "I'll create a path for you. Fire at him when I say now." "Right!" Robin then began to sprout hundreds of arms which led off the cliff. "Delphinium! Now!" Robin shouted, 

"YAH!" Goku quickly went blue and began to charge up his attack. "Kame.... Hame... HA!" Goku launched the more powerful wave directly at Yama, who began to roll along the path faster and faster thanks to Robin making the arms do so. "What's going-OOOOOOONNNN!!!" Yama shouted as he fell off the cliff. "That should take care of that. But he won't be down for long so take my hand." Goku said, 

"Why do I have to-?" "I'm taking you back to your friends." Robin looked at Goku for a moment, and with her judgement decided to trust him. Once taking his hand, Robin suddenly found herself back on the Going Merry. "Hey, Robin!" Luffy said as he waved at her. "So you were telling the truth." "Well yeah, I wouldn't lie." Goku said, Robin looking at everyone who was now on the ship. "I take it they're with you?" Robin said to Goku, now showing a more kind and gentle demeanor.

 "Yup, there's a lot that I'll fill you up on, but first I need to find your other friends." Goku said, "If you're going to look for Zoro, try honing in on an energy that seems like it has no idea where it's going." Nami said, as she looked up from a book she was reading. "Huh, I actually found it. Ok, I'll be back-." "I'll go with you." Robin said, "Robin, you just got back. Shouldn't you rest for a bit?" Sanji asked, "I know, but if Goku is going to find Zoro. well...." "Zoro will try and fight him."

 "Yeah, that idiot won't believe Goku. so you should go." Nami said, "Ok...? What?" Robin looked at everyone as they seemed confused, and Sanji fuming. "Why are you holding Goku's hand?" Midoriya asked, "Has she fallen for Goku already~?" Vanessa said with a teasing tone. "Uh? What are you all talking about? He told me to take his hand." Robin said, a slight blush on her face. "Yeah, that's not really how instant transmission works." Goku said, rubbing his neck.

 "What do you mean?" "If I want someone to come with me, all they have to do is place a hand on my shoulder or on my back. I just told you to take my hand so we can get out of there quickly. Heh heh." Goku said with a chuckle. Robin seemed to be both embarrassed and a bit angry for a sec, but took a deep breath and placed a hand on Goku's shoulder. Seeming to be cool and calm once again, "Let's go." Robin said,

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