Capture Quest:Capture the pervert

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"Wait, if Bakugou is in there, then how come I don't hear-?!" ["BOOM!"] The group and onlookers began to see bits of explosions coming from the bath house. "Get back here!" "Bakugou, wait for us!" Everyone could hear Bakugou and Kirishima shouting from inside. "You'll never catch me!" "Wah! Eijiro, you dropped me!" "Crap! I'm coming!" "Leave her, the damn bastard's getting away!" 

Everyone could hear the commotion from inside. Suddenly, the doors burst open and the man landed in front of everyone. "Looks like we got you." Bakugou said as he stepped on the man's back. "We did it!" Megumin said as Kirishima carried her outside. "Megumin? What were you three doing?" Kazuma asked, "We took a quest." Megumin said, "What was the quest about, exactly?" Midoriya asked. Both Kirishima and Megumin looked at each other. "Well..."

Earlier that day...

"Alright! What kind of quest should we go on?!" Kirishima asked Bakugou as the two made their way to the guild. "I don't care. Just as long as we can finish it quickly-I won't say anything." Bakugou said as he put his hands in his pockets. "Well we'll need to find a quest that can be done in the town. Mr. Aizawa said not to head outside in case any of those bad guys show up." Kirishima said as he began to think. As the two continued to walk, they were unaware that someone was following them.

 ["I wonder what they'll choose as a quest. Whatever it is, I'm going to swoop in and help them! That way, my explosive soulmate will appreciate me!"] Megumin thought to herself as she followed the two from afar. Soon, Kirishima and Bakugou arrived at the guild and began to browse through the quest board. "Let's see... helping at the fruit stands, cleaning the men's bath house... man, I don't know-?! This one!" Kirishima said as he pulled off the quest from the board. "Finally-what the?!" Bakugou looked at the quest, 

"Someone has been using a steal technique in order to get a hold of women's underwear, and they want someone to catch him?! The hell would we take that quest for?!" Bakugou shouted, "Someone doing that to women deserves to be brought to justice. It's like if Mineta went too far. Come on Bakugou, we're training to be pros. We could run into something like this back home one day." Kirishima said, but Bakugou still wasn't sure. 

"C'mon, all these women are practically counting on us." "Alright, alright! Let's show the damn quest to the lady and get it over with. And you, are you going to help us, or just keep following us?" "Eh?! How'd you-." "You're easy to spot." Bakugou said as he saw part of Megumin's hat popping out from behind a pillar.

 "Megumin? Did you want to join us on a quest?" Kirishima asked, "Uh... Yeah.... That's what I was planning on doing." Megumin said, "So now that we have our party settled.... Let's start the quest!" [Capture Quest: Catch the pervert].

[Chibi Megumin and Kirishima: "Ko." "No." Chibi Bakugou:(BOOM!) "SUBA!"]

After accepting the quest, the three began to search the city for the pervert. "Let's see, if I were doing that stuff... where would I go?" Kirishima said to himself, "Maybe he's somewhere where it would be easy to steal the underwear." Megumin suggested, "Yeah that is a good point. But what place would that-." "The girl's bath house you idiots. That's the most likely place he'll be." Bakugou said, the three then began to make their way to the bath house. 

"The bath house huh? I wasn't planning on doing that... but things change. Though I will need to get them off my trail for a bit." A shadowy figure said as he watched the party continue their way to the bath house. Once he saw they were a good distance away, he activated his technique. "Steal!" "Hey did you guys hear that?" "Eh?! Uh..." Bakugou and Kirishima looked at Megumin as her face grew red. "It... it happened to me..." Megumin said, "What? Then he must be around here!" Kirishima said as the three began to search the area. 

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