The return of a God.... and a fusion

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"Goku, what's going on? Who is that?" Asta asked, "My form is justice. And my form is the world. Worship me. Give praise unto me. Me, the beautiful. The sublime. Me the invincible. The all mighty and divine.... All hail, Zamasu." The light dissipating, finally revealed their new opponent. "Zamasu? Wait, is that what he actually looks like?!" Asta shouted,

 "Sorta, Black fused with another version of himself." "So the two became one?" Noelle asked, "Yeah.... Although, it's weird that the other Zamasu didn't show up at all." Goku said, "That fairy guy did say it was an illusion." Luffy said, "To think that mortals like yourselves would have to make me fuse. No matter, the zero mortal plan shall be completed. And it will be so once I dispose of all of you." Zamasu said,

 "Oh yeah?! Well good luck trying to-?!" "Blades of judgement!" Suddenly, a barrage of red arrows began to reign down from the sky. "Oh crap...." "Hold on, everyone! Water creation magic.... Sea Dragon's Lair!" Noelle then created a giant barrier around them. "That won't last. You are just delaying the inevitable!" Zamasu said,

 "He's right.... I don't have enough mana to hold the barrier up for much longer...." Noelle said, beginning to feel weak. "Goku, got any ideas?!" Zoro asked, "Stay back, and keep an eye on Noelle." Goku said flying out of the barrier and began fighting with Zamasu. "Hold on...." "What is it?" Luffy asked Asta, "I still haven't used my other form. I think I got this!" Asta said, taking out his sword. 

"Hurry it up then! I can't hold it much-?!" Then the group heard a giant crash come from outside. "What was that?" Luffy asked, "I don't-ARGH!" "AH!" Before Zoro could finish, a purple ki saber shot through the barrier and struck Zoro through the chest. 

"ZORO!" "I can't.... Hold it.... Anymore...." Noelle then began to faint as the barrier began to fall apart. "I got ya." Asta said, catching Noelle. "Now that I have disposed of Goku and now your friend...." Zamasu began as he took his ki saber out of Zoro, having him fall to the floor. 

"Not to mention, that your other friend that can create your only defense has passed out due to exhaustion...." Zamasu continued, gesturing to Noelle, who was unconscious in Asta's arms. "All that's left, is the two of you." Zamasu finished, "We'll beat you!" Asta said, "You mortals stand no chance against me-ACK!" "Gum-Gum.... Pistol!" Zamasu was then struck in the gut by Luffy. "Keep powering up, Asta! I got this guy!" Luffy said,

 "You dare.... Strike a god?! You shall pay for that!" Zamasu shouted as he and Luffy began to do battle. "Hang in there, Noelle. I'll be right back." Asta said as he laid Noelle gently on the floor. "Here I go!" Asta then began to power up once again.

"Let's see if you can handle a gods' power. Ha!" Zamasu began to fire off a barrage of energy bullets at Luffy. "That won't work! Gum-gum.... Balloon!" Luffy took a deep breath and let his body bloat up. Sending all the bullets back at Zamasu.

 "You.... you are no ordinary mortal. If I am unable to use my energy blasts, then I shall-UH?!" Zamasu then felt something piercing him from behind. "Got ya!" "Uh? Hm hm hm.... Ha ha ha!" "Why are you laughing?" Asta was surprised as Zamasu moved his body out of his swords and began to heal.

 "Foolish mortal. As a god, I am able to heal." Zamasu said, "Oh crap...." "Now witness, as I strike you both down!" Zamasu said, flying into the air. "Light of divine judgement!" Zamasu began to power up, but it soon became clear that what he was doing was also harming himself, causing his mortal half to become unstable. "Is it me, or is he getting bigger?" "This isn't good...." The two heroes said, 

"Let's see you mortals defeat me now. Yah!" "Oooof!" Zamasu used his giant arm to punch Luffy in the face. Though his head stretched out, the force of the blow was so strong that it sent his body following right after him. "Luffy! Uh?!" "Now for you!"

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