Who will be the one to win?! Luffy VS Eneru

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"Show me what this fascinating power of yours can truly do." Eneru said, "Alright then, I will. Gum.... Gum...." Luffy began to twist his arm as he stretched it back. ["What the hell is he planning on doing?" Zoro asked, "Knowing our captain, he's probably coming up with a strategy on the fly." Robin said.] Luffy then rushed forward right towards Eneru. "Rifle!" "I don't think so!" Eneru zapped out of the way, dodging the attack.

 "Got ya!" Luffy spun around, stretching his leg out. "Gum-Gum Whip!" Eneru was caught off guard by Luffy's fake out and was hit in the ribs. "Argh!" ["Yeah! Luffy got him!" Chopper cheered."] "20,000,000 volt volley!" Eneru fired a giant bolt of lightning at Luffy, and though sending Luffy back a bit, it didn't do much damage. "Ah...." "Gum-Gum.... Pistol!" Luffy shot his arm forward, but Eneru grabbed his arm and pulled Luffy forward. "Wah!" "Now I have you! Yah!" Eneru then struck Luffy with a knee to the gut, sending him into the air. "Ha ha ha!" Eneru zapped himself above Luffy. 

"YAH!" Eneru then struck Luffy back to the ground using his staff. "I'm not done yet." Eneru then began to heat up his staff, transforming it into a trident. "Try handling this!" Eneru shot down, trident out, ready to strike Luffy. ["Luffy get out of the way!" Nami shouted.] "Uh.... huh?" "Die!" Luffy tried getting out of the way, but was struck in the arm. "Ah!" "That's it. Now to restrain you!" Eneru used his staff to form a giant golden ball, trapping Luffy's arm inside. "Ah! What the hell?! I can't get my arm out!" Luffy said as he tried to take his arm out. 

"Good luck trying to land attacks when you can barely move." Eneru said as he zapped to the other side of Luffy. "Huh?" "So long, Straw hat." Eneru said as he began to head back to the city. "Hey! What about our fight?! We're not done yet!" Luffy shouted, "Really? And what more can you do with that attached to you?" Eneru chuckled as he pointed to the giant ball. "I'll.... Show you.... What I can do...!" Luffy said as he continued to try and pull his arm out of the ball. "Hm.... Yes, I believe we're done here. Farewell, I'll see if I can kill you later." Eneru said as he made his leave. "Come back! I'm not.... Finished!" Luffy said, trying to run after Eneru. Back in Death City....

Roshi had managed to find the others and had Buu heal Yami. "Better?" Roshi asked, "Ah.... yeah, I'll manage. So, guess that Luffy kid couldn't stop him, huh?" Yami asked as he and the group watched as Eneru left Luffy stranded outside of Death City. "We'll need to prepare for another attack-." 

"Don't waste your time." The group looked up to see Eneru sitting on a roof. "Now that I have immobilized the Straw hat, I believe I shall continue where we left off. Surrender and hand over the final dragon ball and I shall spare you. And to make the deal more interesting, I'll see if I can convince Frieza to set your friends free." Eneru said, "what do we do now?" Patty asked, "Maybe-?" Yami looked past Eneru and at the projection, watching what Luffy was doing. ["What is he up to?" Yami thought.]

Outside Death City....

"RRRR...! Come on....!" Luffy kept on trying to break free. "Pant.... Pant.... Pant.... How am I gonna get back to the city?" Luffy looked into the distance where the entrance of the city. "Hmmmm...." Luffy began to look around to see if there was anything that could help. "Aha!" Luffy began to push the giant ball towards two boulders that were near him. 

"Hrrrr..... There! Let's try this." Luffy, once near the boulders, pulled the giant ball so that it got wedged between the boulders. "And now to put my plan into action. Heh heh!" Luffy said, ["What's your friend doing?" Trunks asked, "Hm.... wait I think I know!" Nami said, realizing what Luffy was trying to do.] "Let's do this." Luffy then began to run forward, stretching out his arm.

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