A new alliance emerges

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"Say Shigaraki, look what I found!" Toga ran to him, handing over the object what she found. Tomura looked at it and scratched his neck. "It can't be..." Tomura then held it up to the light. "It's one of those things that Ainz person was trying to get." The other remaining members of the league all gathered around to see the orb. "What do you think it's doing here?" Dabi asked, "Our best guess is that our worlds have crossed with those other ones once again." Compress suggested, 

"If that's the case, then we may be expecting some strange visitors again!" Twice suggested, "That's the last thing we need right now." Tomura said as he looked at the orb. As they thought about what to do with the orb, they didn't realize that two Frieza force members had found their base. They continued to discuss the situation when they heard a knock. "Are we expecting anyone?" Toga asked, "Could it be the cops? Pros?" Spinner asked, "Do you really think they would knock?" Dabi asked,

 "I'll see who it is!" Twice went over to the entrance. "Careful." Dabi said, Twice simply gestured ok. Twice then swung the door open to reveal who was there. "Say! You two have some familiar looking outfits!" Twice said, "We are here on behalf of Lord Frieza!" One of the soldiers said, "Frieza? ["Once our world has returned to normal, I will return for the earths' dragon balls."] Ah yes, I remember him now." Tomura said as he recalled.

 "What business does he have with us?" Dabi asked, "Ask him yourself." The other soldier held up a tablet and once turned on, Frieza appeared on the screen. "Greetings, Tomura Shigaraki correct?" Frieza asked, "Yes... that's right." Tomura said as he scratched his neck again. "I'm sure you remember me from last time. So I'll skip my introduction." Frieza said, "So... What do you want?" Tomura asked, "I wish to speak with you in person." Frieza said, "Let me guess... you want this right?" Tomura then held up the dragon ball. 

"Partly, the other reason is that I would like to form an alliance with you." Frieza said, "Really? Because that worked so well last time." "Let me be clear that I had nothing to do with how the former alliance was held. Everything bad that happened falls on Ainz's shoulders. I on the other hand can make this work." Frieza explained, "Why should I believe you?" Tomura asked, "For starters I won't make promises that I can't keep. Furthermore, you will gain more than I will if you agree." Frieza explained, Tomura then looked at his other members.

 "Maybe we should hear him out." Dabi said, "It could be beneficial." Compress added, "Fine, I'll meet with you to discuss things. Though I would like two of my people to join me." Tomura said, "Very well, let my men know when you are ready to meet. They'll bring you to me." Frieza said as the screen went black. "Dabi, Toga, you two will come with me. You three stay here." Tomura ordered, and began to leave with Frieza's men. 

"So where are we going to meet? Warehouse? Underground base-?! No way!" Toga stopped as they came face to face with a small spaceship. "We're taking you to Lord Frieza. Which means you're meeting him on his ship. Get in." The soldier said as he and his squadmate got into the craft. "Come on. Let's go." Tomura said as he got in. Soon enough the three found themselves outside of Earth's atmosphere and in space. 

"Wow! I never thought I'd be in space before!" Toga said, "Check that out." Dabi pointed down to Earth where they could make out seven distinct lines surrounding the Earth. "You think that has something to do with the worlds merging?" Toga asked, "Probably. Now enough talking, we're here." Tomura said as the craft entered the massive ship. The three walked through the ship, looking at all the different Frieza force members. "These guys look tough." Toga said, "Maybe they are." Dabi said, "Alright, go through the door here. Lord Frieza is in there." The soldier said and left.

 "Let's get this over with." Tomura said and the three entered the giant cockpit. "Welcome! I hope you are comfortable." Frieza said as he gestured them forward. "So, let's get down to business. Why would I want to partner with you after what happened last time?" Tomura asked as he sat down. "As I said I have little to gain from this. You on the other hand, will." Frieza said, "What do you mean by that exactly?" Dabi asked, "You see, I would like to keep this world as it is now." "Why?" Toga asked, "Think of it like this. You will be able to use my Frieza force soldiers to aid you." Frieza explained,

 "Go on." "When I gather the super dragon balls, I will wish for this world to stay divided into seven. After I make this wish, I can use the regular dragon balls." Frieza said, "That's right, you said you'd be back for your Earth's dragon balls." Dabi said, "Correct. You see, the Earth's dragon balls can grant you three wishes. Which is good as you can make a wish as well." Frieza said, "Really? And why not just do that now?" Tomura asked, "From what my men informed me of the Earth's dragon balls will stay stone until the super dragon balls are collected and a wish is made." Frieza explained, 

"So in order for me to get what I want... you need these?" Tomura asked as he held up his dragon ball. "Correct. So, do we have a deal?" Frieza asked, "I'm still not sure. I still don't know that you'll turn on me. Hell I don't know if I should trust you." Tomura said, "I understand completely. Which is why I offer to do something for you. To show that I can be trusted." Frieza said, "And what might that be?" Tomura asked, "I understand that you had someone who helped orchestrate the League of Villains. He goes by the name... All. For. One." Frieza said, which took Tomura by surprise. 

"I had my two soldiers locate his location before going to see you and learned that he's imprisoned currently." Frieza explained, "So what? What does he have to do with this?" Dabi asked, "I believe that he too can help and make a great partner. So, I am going to help break him out. Just for you." Frieza said, "You'd break him out?" Tomura asked, "Well not me exactly. I will have some of my men aid you in breaking him out." Frieza said, 

"Ok, if you can break him out and bring him to me. I'll accept, but you know you'll have to get him to agree as well, right?" Tomura pointed out, "Yes, I'm well aware of that." Frieza said, "One other thing you should know. All for One was badly injured in his last fight." "No need to worry. I have healing chambers, so he can rest there and get all healed up." Frieza said, 

"Ok then, let's see if your men can really break him out." Tomura said, " Of course. Men, come in." [Tokusentai! Tokusentai! Tokusentai! Tokusentai!] "I'm Recoome!" "Haaa...I AM... Burter!" "Hmmm... I'm Jeice!" "Hooooo.... Guldo!" [Tokusentai! Tokusentai! Tokusentai! Tokusentai!] "Yaaaaaah... Ginyu!" "And!" "Together!" "We!" "Are!" "The Ginyu Force!" The five said as they all struck a pose. "Heh heh! They're funny." Toga said with a smile. "Lord Frieza has asked us to aid you in breaking out this All for One guy. So rest assured as this will be easy for the Ginyu Force." Ginyu said, 

"Ok..." "Now then, you have the Ki blockers I gave you correct?" Frieza asked as he turned to Ginyu. "That's correct! Those Saiyans won't know we're there!" Ginyu said, "Good, now you have your orders." Frieza said as he waved them off. "We should head back to Earth. Get the others." Dabi said,

 "Yeah, you're right. You don't mind that I bring the rest of my League of Villain members here right?" Tomura asked, "Of course not. Bring them, I want you to see that I am worth your trust." Frieza said with a smile. "Alright, we'll be back later then. Dabi, Toga, let's hitch a ride with them." Tomura said as he followed the Ginyu's to the docking bay. Once out of the room, Frieza dropped the smile. 

"I really do hate playing up the nice person act." Frieza said as he went back to his normal demeanor. "Are you truly going to allow them to make a wish on the dragon balls?" Kikono asked, "Of course." "May I ask why?" "Very well, I will explain it to you. You see I have no intention of destroying Earth. I have many other planets that I can conquer." Frieza said, "Then why come here at all?" Kikono asked, "Ho ho ho! I do intend to wish for the worlds to stay merged, Kikono." 

"But why?" Kikono asked, that's when Berryblue chimed in. "Isn't it obvious? Lord Frieza wants to keep the worlds merged so it can get plunged into chaos." She explained, "You are correct, Berryblue. I'll have each world tear the other apart. And all the while, we can sneak in whenever we want and take the dragon balls. Ha ha! And those monkeys won't be able to stop us because of our newly created Ki blockers. This is truly a brilliant plan!" Frieza boasted,

 "But aren't you afraid that any of your new alliance members will learn the truth?" Kikono asked, "Highly unlikely. Seeing as I am King Cold's son, I was taught how to play a perfect diplomate. Them seeing through me will be only a one percent chance out of a hundred." Frieza said as he sat down on his chair. 

"If you say so, Lord Frieza." Kikono said, "Have faith in Lord Frieza, Kikono. He knows what he is doing." "Thank you for understanding, Berryblue." Frieza said, "So do we just wait for now?" "Indeed, we wouldn't want us drawing too much attention now." Frieza said as he leaned back in his chair. "Let's hope that the Ginyu's pull this off. I truly want to see who this All for One really is." 

To be continued... 

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